Fermentap Magnetic Stir Plate – $55.99, Save $14 + Free Shipping, Limited Availability
INTLLAB 25cm Magnetic Stir Bar Retriever, 10 inch Length, Teflon PTFE, Anti-Corrosive, Chemical Resistant
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
- CHEMICAL RESISTANT – Teflon PTFE material can be used with corrosive chemicals, including acid and base
- POWERFUL – High quality magnet sealed and coated with PTFE
- EASY USE – Helps you easily recover your stir bars in containers
- PORTABLE FOR WIDE USE: perfect for stir a liquid or solution in scientific research, industry, agriculture, health and medicine, homebrew, etc
INTLLAB 25cm Magnetic Stir Bar Retriever, 10 inch Length, Teflon PTFE, Anti-Corrosive, Chemical Resistant – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
Also Consider:
- The StirStarter – Hands on Review
- StirStarter XL – 5L Capable!
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