Craft Beer and Automation: How to automate your homemade production, Kindle Edition

Craft Beer and Automation: How to automate your homemade production Kindle Edition

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My name is Mateus Junqueira, Food Engineer and passionate about beer. This e-book brings a little of my trajectory with a craft beer, and how I did it to produce my own beer at home. It brings a step by step of how I defined and built my home equipment, and how I automated my production using the CraftBeerPi software. I show you everything you need to replicate in your home, what I can do in mine. From the construction of the equipment, valuable tips of what to do and what not to do, how to install and configure the CraftbeerPi on a Raspberri Pi, to the configuration of recipes and usage test, you will find in this book, in a friendly and illustrated with photos of my equipment, being assembled and in operation, and of the screens of the software itself. I also show in tables everything I acquired over time, with tips on where I found them and the average price invested in each item. There are clickable links to various items, including a YouTube course where I teach how to make craft beer, my Instagram profile where I show a little of my day to day with a craft beer.


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Craft Beer and Automation: How to automate your homemade production Kindle Edition

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