Intertap & NukaTap Flow Control Faucet Availability

Intertap (and NukaTap) forward sealing faucets have a unique modular, threaded spout design which can fit a variety of different attachments including a growler filler, stout spout and ball lock post.

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What About Flow Control Models?

First, why flow control?  What Does a Flow Control Faucet Do?

Flow Control variations of Intertap and NukaTap faucets were both available at some point in the past. It seems they are largely (maybe completely) unavailable now.

Background… From William’s Brewing:

via an email sent on 6/4/21

This weekend, we have some awkward news about being told to stop selling Flow Control faucets due to a patent dispute. So if you need a flow control faucet or kegerator, this is a good time to shop.

Due to legal issues, we will no longer be able to sell Intertap Flow Control Faucets after June 18th. Take advantage of our plight and get our remaining stock for 30% off while supplies last!

My Guesses…

  • My guess is that Intertap Flow Control Faucets are going away, at least how they exist now.
  • The Nukatap Flow Control has mostly been out of stock for months, this info from William’s leads me to believe if this same issue is affecting Nukatap Flow Control Faucets.
  • I believe it’s possible that as retailers find some of these sitting around, one or two may pop up here or there.
  • Alternatively eBay may be a good source for used faucets, see search below.

NukaTap Flow Control Faucets

My early guess about Nukatap FC faucets was thankfully incorrect. They seem to be have re-introduced and, as of this update, I know of two sources.

Who Still Has Intertap+Flow Control In Stock?

As of this update, all of my regular sources are out of stock.  Check product pages and searches below to see if something pops up.

Subject to change, check product pages for current availability and price.

More Options

Perlick 650SS

More Flow Control Faucets

More Flow Control Devices

These devices add flow control to your kegerator without requiring you to change faucets

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Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. pst:intertapfc tag:itsapage