Removing Hard to Remove Poppets

Hard to Remove Keg Poppets?

Some poppets seem to be almost installed permanently in keg posts. I think this is by design and that the reason they seem to be is because they… are. I don’t like those because they’re more difficult, potentially impossible, to clean and sanitize.

When I run into poppets like this I use a punch to dislodge the old poppet.  It usually doesn’t take a whole lot of force.

It’s noting that it’s possible that you could damage the poppet doing this. To me, that doesn’t matter a whole bunch to me since I’m going to replace them with Universal Poppets.

Also Consider: Universal Poppets – 304 Stainless + Food Grade Silicone! & Reliable O-Ring Replacements

universal poppetsValuebrew has released a 304 Stainless Steel + Food Grade Silicone Universal Poppet option!

I’ve long advocated for tossing OEM o-rings. I’m excited that there’s finally there’s an option that comes with quality o-rings made from the right materials out of the box! Beyond that, Valuebrew has pledged to always carry replacement o-rings, so you’ll always have a source when the time comes for replacements.

This write-up is part of my post on rebuilding kegsJump To This Section – If you look through the post you’ll see just how good the keg looks at the end.

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Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. top:rebuildkeglnksto lnksto:kegrebuild rp:lnksdiffpoppets

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