Clone Brews, 2nd Edition [Kindle Edition]
CloneBrews, 2nd Edition: Recipes for 200 Commercial Beers, Kindle Edition by Tess and Mark Szamatulski. Clone recipes for 200 commercial beers.
More InfoFrom the book description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
Brew your own clones of Magic Hat #9, Ithaca Brown, Moose Drool, Samuel Adams Boston Ale, and 196 more commercial beers! Revised, improved, and expanded, this second edition of CloneBrews contains 50 brand-new recipes, updated mashing guidelines, and a food pairing feature that recommends the best fare to match every beer. With basic brewing equipment and a bit of know-how, you can duplicate all of your favorite lagers and ales from home.
Kindle Edition books can be viewed on your Kindle Device or on free reader applications available for your iPhone, Android or Windows smart phone – and for your web browser via Amazon’s Cloud Reader.
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I have this book and do not recommend it. Not all recipes are even close, no fermentation directions, and it’s all extract. No all grain instructions. 2/10 stars.
you are incorrect my good sir. the mini-mash and all-grain methords are listed at the bottom of each page with quite clear instructions with regards to the brew day.
as far as fermentation, that is entirely dependant on the yeast you choose to do so and instructions are usually on the back of the pack used.
i also have the book and would highly recommend it.
I kind of take a middle ground on this book. There are all grain instructions included with each recipe, but the format is less clear than other books I have that include them secondarily to the extract version. My bigger complaint is definitely the fermentation specifics. Many yeast strains can develop completely different flavor profiles and even attenuation based on fermentation temperature profiles, even when kept within the general range listed for that strain. This is why pretty much every other recipe book I am aware of includes this information. It should have been addressed better in my opinion.
This book gives you a starting point, but every recipe may need additional fine tuning due to these short comings.
For $2 though, not a bad purchase.