Vintage Beer Kindle Edition by Patrick Dawson
Vintage Beer: A Taster’s Guide to Brews That Improve over Time Kindle Edition by Patrick Dawson
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2014 Gold Medal Winner from the North American Guild of Beer Writers for Best Beer Book
Like good wine, certain beers can be aged under the right conditions to enhance and change their flavors in interesting and delicious ways. Good candidates for cellaring are either strong, sour, or smoked beers, such as barleywines, rauchbiers, and lambics. Patrick Dawson gives a list of easy-to-follow rules that lay the groundwork for identifying these cellar-worthy beers and then delves into the mysteries behind how and why they age as they do. Beer styles known for aging well are discussed and detailed profiles of commonly available beers that fall into these categories are included. There is also a short travel guide for bars and restaurants that specialize in vintage beer gives readers a way to taste what this new craft beer frontier is all about.
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