Update International 24″ Stainless Steel Whisk [Extract, All Grain & Whirlpooling] + Hands on Review

Update International (FW-24) 24" French Whip

24″ Stainless Steel French Whip.  Made of 18/8 stainless steel.

I own this whisk and it’s awesome.  It’s my opinion that every full batch (5 gallon+ extract or all grain) home brewer should own one of these.  Check out my hands on review of this whisk.

This whisk is great for: 1.  Stirring in extract.  It easily breaks up clumps, 2.  Stirring the mash (either traditional or BIAB) and 3.  Starting a whirlpool.

What are other people saying?  Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “homebrew” – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Update International FW-24 Stainless Steel French Whip, 24-Inch – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

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4 thoughts on “Update International 24″ Stainless Steel Whisk [Extract, All Grain & Whirlpooling] + Hands on Review

  1. Anonymous

    Received mine today but unfortunately bad packaging left it a mess; completely bent into a curve with deep bends in some prongs that I can’t straighten out. However with Amazon’s amazing customer service a new is being delivered to me on Tuesday. Aside from the freight damage product looks great.

  2. Scott

    I used this for the first time yesterday with 11.5 pounds of grain and it worked like a champ! No dough balls at all – mixes the grain so quickly!

  3. Ricky

    I got one of these the last time it was posted. They work great. You stir your mash differently. You can’t really muscle your mash the same way. It works better despite this. It’s much easier to break clumps up. A little two handed whisking gets everything is evenly mixed.


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