3/8″ Adapter, Garden Hose to RO… Guessing this will work on EVABarrier?
Laundry Garden Hose Adapter for Reverse Osmosis for 3/8″ OD Flexible Reverse Osmosis tubing
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My presumption is that the intended application for this is to hook a compatible RO system to compatible garden hose thread or a laundry sink. You may be in the market for just such a thing.
I’m guessing that this would also work to connect EVABarrier tubing to compatible garden hose threads. 3/8″ corresponds to 9.5mm OD. If you give this a try… drop me a line and let me know how it works. Would love to share a picture and your experiences.
Laundry Garden Hose Adapter for Reverse Osmosis for 3/8″ OD Flexible Reverse Osmosis tubing – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
DuoTight Reviews on How-To’s!
DuoTight Reviews, Resource Posts & How-To’s!
DuoTights are so amazing – at least in my book 🙂 – that I have several reviews and related top posts
- Build a DuoTight CO2 Gas Manifold! – for Kegland EVABarrier Tubing
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- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Ball Lock QDs!
- Troubleshooting and Fixing DuoTight Leaks
- Using a Keg as a CO2 Source for Portable Serving!
- Building a Simple Ball Lock Draft Line Flushing Setup
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Fittings & EVABarrier Tubing!
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I Recommend These for DuoTight Fittings!
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My DuoTight Review!
duotightreviewBuy DuoTight
- DuoTight Push In Fittings & EVABarrier Double Wall Draft Tubing at MoreBeer
- Search MoreBeer for “DuoTight” – to find components and accessories that may not show up on category pages.
- Kegland DuoTight Fittings and Accessories at William’s Brewing
- Search William’s Brewing for “DuoTight” – to find components and accessories that may not show up on category pages.
- DuoTight and EVABarrier at Keg Connection – coupon code HBF5OFF saves you 5%
- Search Amazon for “DuoTight” – offerings vary
- Search Amazon for “EVABarrier Tubing” – offerings vary
- DuoTight Compatible Locking Clips via Valuebrew
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