30 Plate Stainless Steel Plate Chiller [Wort Chiller]
Duda Energy HX1230:F34CU38 B3-12A 30 Plate Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger with 3/4″ Female NPT x 3/8″ Copper Sweat Ports Copper Brazed, 2.9″ Height, 2.9″ Width, 7.5″ Length
From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
- Length: 7.5”, width: 2.9”, height: 2.9”, heat exchange area: 3.88Ft², with m5-0.8 mounting studs
- Refrigeration capacity: 3400 – 17000 BTU/hour, design pressure: 145 psi, test pressure: 290 psi
- Design temperature:-319°f to 430°f,304 stainless steel inner plates brazed with 99.9+ percent Pure copper
Stainless steel plate heat exchangers . Brazed with 99.9+ percent Pure copper
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Duda Energy HX1230:F34CU38 B3-12A 30 Plate Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger with 3/4″ Female NPT x 3/8″ Copper Sweat Ports Copper Brazed, 2.9″ Height, 2.9″ Width, 7.5″ Length – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
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