60 Quart/15 Gallon Stainless Steel Homebrew Kettle
60 Quart/15 Gallon Economy Stainless Steel Kettle
From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
15 gallon Stock pot is made from Commercial Quality Stainless Steels, Fully Polished Stainless Steel handle, pot and Lid for solid construction Stock Pot is made from Full Stainless Steel Polished inside and out Very heavy duty construction, will last a lifetime
Use as a homebrew kettle and more. Possible uses – full wort boil for 5 and 10 gallon batches. This should also work well for BIAB for 5 and 10 gallon all grain batches.
60 Quart Economy Stainless Steel Kettle
Also: Recent Kettle Finds
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