Announcing: CombiBarb Ball Lock QDs!
Kegland’s DuoTight Fittings are designed to work with EVABarrier Double Wall Tubing. They offer quick, reliable connections, easy implementation, a variety of fitting options and feature amazing versatility. They’re also, generally speaking, very well priced. DuoTights are push to connect fittings and require no tubing clamps.
DuoTights are… awesome. Check out my extensive Hands on Review
The History of DuoTight Keg QD Options
When DuoTights first came out, the solution for connecting kegs to EVABarrier was using an MFL QD + DuoTight Flare fitting. That works just fine and is still the only option available to pin lock keg users.
After a good bit of time Kegland released a DuoTight option for Ball Lock Keg Users!
Learn More… Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Ball Lock QDs!
Kegland Ball Lock QDs at MoreBeer
- Duotight Ball Lock Quick Disconnect (QD) Beverage Out – 8 mm DUO151
- Duotight Ball Lock Quick Disconnect (QD) Gas In – 8 mm DUO150
- Duotight Ball Lock Bev Out (Black) – 6.35mm (1/4) DUO158
- Duotight Ball Lock Gas In (Gray) – 6.35mm (1/4) DUO157
Announcing: CombiBarb QDS!
CombiBarb QDs by WilliamsWarn are designed to work with both standard and EVABarrier Tubing. They have a barb that works with 1/4″ to 5/16″ ID tubing AND they work with 8 mm EVABarrer. They’re available in both gas and liquid variations.
- Ball Lock Quick Disconnect (QD) | Gas In | Combibarb | Duotight Compatible | WilliamsWarn KEG743
- Ball Lock Quick Disconnect (QD) | Beverage Out | Combibarb | Duotight Compatible | WilliamsWarn KEG744
- All CombiBard QDs
- All Ball Lock Fittings
Buy DuoTight
- DuoTight Push In Fittings & EVABarrier Double Wall Draft Tubing at MoreBeer
- Search MoreBeer for “DuoTight” – to find components and accessories that may not show up on category pages.
- Kegland DuoTight Fittings and Accessories at William’s Brewing
- Search William’s Brewing for “DuoTight” – to find components and accessories that may not show up on category pages.
- DuoTight and EVABarrier at Keg Connection – coupon code HBF5OFF saves you 5%
- Search Amazon for “DuoTight” – offerings vary
- Search Amazon for “EVABarrier Tubing” – offerings vary
- DuoTight Compatible Locking Clips via Valuebrew
Related DuoTight Reviews on How-To’s!
DuoTight Reviews, Resource Posts & How-To’s!
DuoTights are so amazing – at least in my book 🙂 – that I have several reviews and related top posts
- Building a Simple Ball Lock Draft Line Flushing Setup
- Hands on Review: Kegland Ball Lock Cleaning Kit and Party Pump
- Hands on Review: Kegland Inline Secondary Regulator!
- Five Benefits of Using Corny Kegs As Fermenters
- Hands on Review: Kegland Digital Gauges!
- Troubleshooting and Fixing DuoTight Leaks
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Fittings & EVABarrier Tubing!
- Using a Keg as a CO2 Source for Portable Serving!
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Rigid Joiners
- Hands on Review: Kegland BlowTie Spunding Valve!
- Hands on Review: Nukatap Counter Pressure Bottle Filler!
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Ball Lock QDs!
- Build a DuoTight CO2 Gas Manifold! – for Kegland EVABarrier Tubing
I Recommend These for DuoTight Fittings!
duotightclipsDuoTight Ball Lock QDs!
My DuoTight Review!
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