Easy Jiggler – Stainless Steel Auto Siphon – $29.99 + Free Ship Eligible
Easy Jiggler – Stainless Auto Siphon Racking Cane from MoreBeer
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
The Easy Jiggler combines the convenience of a hand-pump auto siphon with the longevity and simplicity of a stainless steel racking cane. Plastic auto siphons are easy to use, but they’re prone to cracking after heavy use and can break easily if they’re dropped on the ground. Stainless racking canes won’t break on you, but getting the siphon started is its own debacle. You either have to cap your carboy and blow through the hood, exposing your beer to oxygen, or you have to suck on the end of the hose, which isn’t exactly sanitary. Enter the jiggle siphon, the last racking cane you’ll ever own!
Made from 304 stainless steel, the Easy Jiggler will last a lifetime and can be quickly disassembled for cleaning and sanitizing. To use, simply insert the tip of the jiggler into your fermenter and give it a few long, steady strokes to begin the siphon. Once it’s going, you’ll hear the glass ball inside spinning away. To avoid disturbing the trub cake at the bottom of the fermenter, we recommend doing the jiggling action near the surface and then lower the cane once the siphon has begun.
- 22.5″ long
- Made from 304 stainless steel
- Includes 60″ length of 10mm ID silicone tubing
- This has had some availability issues since being introduced.
- As of this posting, it’s in stock for just $29.99.
- Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
- Easy Filler Item…. If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW
Easy Jiggler – Stainless Auto Siphon Racking Cane R554
Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time this post was published; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit the product page. Check the product page for current price, description and availability
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