Blonde Extract Recipe Kit
Kit (All-Grain) – Belgian Pale Ale – Unmilled (Base Malts Only)
From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
- Extract Brewing Kit
- Milled grains
- Does not include yeast
(Makes 5 gallons) A Blonde Ale is a great starter beer for those who are new to craft beer. An easy drinking ale, low in esters, balanced with enough hop character to accentuate the malt profile. We brew this beer for big party events. Estimated Original Gravity:1.044-48SRM (Color Range: 8IBU’s: 14-18 Estimated Alcohol Percentage
Kit – Blonde Ale
Also… Search Amazon for homebrewers outpost “all grain” kit – sorted by price low to high to look for other kits
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