Brewer’s Best American Amber Beer Recipe Kit

Brewer's Best American Amber Homebrew Beer Ingredient Kit

Brewer’s Best American Amber Homebrew Beer Ingredient Kit

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:


  • Ingredients, Priming Sugar, Grain Bag(s), Bottle Caps, Brewing Procedures
  • Specialty grains: 16 oz. Caramel 80L
  • Manufactured in united states

Pale ale malt combined with medium caramel malt creates a rich, copper color. Bitterness is balanced to match the malt character. Smooth clean finish with moderate Carbonation level.

Update: Since this post was published the price, availability or promotion has changed.  Check the product page for current description, price and availability.  Also: Today’s Deals on Amazon

Brewer’s Best American Amber Homebrew Beer Ingredient Kit

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