Updated: November 16, 2024
This review is by Homebrew Finds Contributor Brad Probert. Brad is an engineer, expert homebrewer and experienced reviewer. Grab a link to Brad’s website at the end of this review.
MoreBeer 6-Gallon Torpedo Keg
Keg Label
Sometimes ideas come along that seem so obvious in hindsight. Every fermentor I have is 7+ gallons. I like that because it gives me plenty of headroom for krausen from active fermentation. It also allows me to brew a bigger batch in the event I have a lot of dry hopping. But with the bigger fermentors, I will frequently have leftover beer after transferring to the keg. Not a lot, and not always, but it just feels wrong to leave that beer behind. So the 6-gallon keg is a logical fit for me.
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MoreBeer has a massive early holiday sale going on as of this posting. Over 100 products are discounted. Check sale page for selection and availability.
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Select Torpedo Kegs are included in the mix!
Keg DiameterKeg Height Measurement
Torpedo Keg is a brand name of a series of ball lock kegs. They use the same size lid and follow the same standard of ball lock posts. But unlike Corny kegs that have rubber bottoms and tops, Torpedo kegs are made completely of stainless steel. The top/handle portion of the keg is taller, specifically to let you stack kegs on top of each other while still having gas and beer lines connected to the keg. There is also a Slimline version which has a slightly narrower diameter in exchange for a taller height. The 6-Gallon torpedo keg has a 9.125” diameter, and is 27.25” tall. In comparison, the standard ball lock Corny keg has an 8.375” diameter and 24.75” height. Although comparing these heights on paper can be deceiving since the Torpedo keg’s tall handles cover the height of attached ball lock fittings as well (additional 1.5” measured with my DuoTight fittings).
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