Category Archives: Kits

Dusseldorf Alt Bier by Ryan Barto All Grain Kits… $24.79 w/Coupon

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

Dusseldorf Alt Bier by Ryan Barto

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • A malt-forward German ale with a sturdy bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Saaz, and Mt. Hood hops
  • Estimated ABV: 5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 34-38
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

“Ever since the first alt bier hit my lips I’ve been hooked on this style! Germany has alot more to offer than just their lagers and this is a great example!” Ryan recommends a step mash. He likes to dough-in at 130F for a 15 minute Protein Rest, and then raise to sacharification rest of 154F for 60 minutes before mashing out at 168F. He likes a 45-60 minute sparge with 170F liquor. Ryan also recommends a 90 minute boil for this style, so hold off on those hops until you are 30 minutes into boil. You may need to collect more wort than you normally would to compensate for the additional boil-off. Ferment at 62-64 for 2 weeks in primary, and lager or 4-8 weeks at 40F if you can keep your hands off it for that long. Prost!

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.052-56
  • SRM (Color Range): 17
  • IBUs: 34-38
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Dusseldorf Alt Bier by Ryan Barto Extract and All Grain Kits – from… $24.79 w/Coupon

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

Dusseldorf Alt Bier by Ryan Barto

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • A malt-forward German ale with a sturdy bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Saaz, and Mt. Hood hops
  • Estimated ABV: 5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 34-38
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

“Ever since the first alt bier hit my lips I’ve been hooked on this style! Germany has alot more to offer than just their lagers and this is a great example!” Ryan recommends a step mash. He likes to dough-in at 130F for a 15 minute Protein Rest, and then raise to sacharification rest of 154F for 60 minutes before mashing out at 168F. He likes a 45-60 minute sparge with 170F liquor. Ryan also recommends a 90 minute boil for this style, so hold off on those hops until you are 30 minutes into boil. You may need to collect more wort than you normally would to compensate for the additional boil-off. Ferment at 62-64 for 2 weeks in primary, and lager or 4-8 weeks at 40F if you can keep your hands off it for that long. Prost!

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.052-56
  • SRM (Color Range): 17
  • IBUs: 34-38
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Buy One, Get One HALF Off! Pop Cultures Cider Making Kits… Includes 2 x 1 Gallon Fermonster Fermenters!

For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting kits buy one get one half off. Applies to all grain and extract versions, mix and match is okay.

Buy One Beer Recipe Kit Get One 50% OFF!

This deal actually gets you two 1 gallon Fermonster Fermenters!

Also: Hands on Review: FerMonster Fermentors


This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. tag:lnksfxd rpu:b3kitcombo:rpu

Selection Changes Today: MoreBeer Kit of the Week – All Grain & Extract – Save 20% – Get in on This Week’s Deal

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW


This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


pst:b3kotw tag:itsapageb3

Ends Soon: MoreBeer’s Irish Stout – Guinness Clone – Stout Mini Mash Kits – from $27.99, Save 20% + Free Ship Eligible

irish stout homebrew recipe

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

Irish Stout Kits at MoreBeer

Irish Stout | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | All-Grain

Irish Stout | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Mini Mash

  • A Dry Stout in the style of Guinness with flaked barley for a wonderfully creamy head
  • Includes a single addition of Magnum hops
  • Estimated ABV: 6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 41-45
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Here it is, a Dry Stout in the style of Guinness. Flaked Barley helps to provide all the protein that is needed to produce that wonderfully creamy head. 43 IBU of bitterness compliments the dryness of the Roasted Barley to produce authentic Irish Dry Stout. The liquid yeast is of course from Irish decent.

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Ends Today: Cali Mountain Pale Ale Flash Sale!

Flash Brewing™ | Cali Mountain Pale Ale | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Just Mix & Ferment

Flash Brewing™ | Cali Mountain Pale Ale | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Just Mix & Ferment

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Flash Brewing™ Kits from MoreBeer!® require only 10 minutes to brew. Just mix and ferment.
  • Cali Mountain Pale is inspired by one of the most iconic pale ales in the country: Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale. A simple recipe that creates a complex yet easy to drink brew
  • Flavored with Cascade pellet hops
  • Estimated ABV: 5.6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 30
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Cali Mountain Flash Brewing Kit
Inspired by one of the most iconic craft beers of all time, Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale features a delicious malt balanced by a firm bitterness, with Cascade hops providing zesty citrus flavors. This perfect blend creates a complex yet easy-to-drink Pale Ale.

Flash Brewing™ Kits
Introducing MoreBeer!’s Flash Brewing™ Kits! Designed for both novice and seasoned homebrewers, these innovative recipe kits allow you to simply mix the ingredients with water and add yeast for fermentation. This streamlined process not only saves you valuable time but also simplifies brewing without sacrificing flavor. Say hello to a faster, easier way to craft exceptional beer at home.

Typically, brewing requires you to boil your malt and hops for one hour, followed by another hour for cooling. Flash Brewing™ eliminates the need to boil. Our Flash Brewing™ malt recipes have been boiled and whirlpooled before they are dried. We then use a HopBite™ shot for bitterness combined with a mix of traditional hop pellets for flavor. Flash Yeast™ starts quickly and consistently produces clean beer that lets the malt and hops shine. The result is a high-quality beer that will absolutely surprise you.

If you want to read more about the development of Flash Brewing at MoreBeer! or have more questions please read our Frequently Asked Questions.

Equipment Required for Flash Brewing™
Flash Brews can be fermented in any wide mouth 6 or 7-gallon fermenter you already own. We suggest a wide mouth fermenter so you can easily pour in the ingredients. The 7-gallon Fermonster fermenter is a perfect choice. If you are new to brewing and need a fermentation kit, click here.


  • Cali Pale Ale Flash Malt™: 6 lbs
  • Cascade Cryo Hops®: 1 oz
  • HopBite™: 30 IBU Shot
  • Flash Yeast™
  • Flash Brewing™ Instructions


Flash Brewing™ | Cali Mountain Pale Ale | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Just Mix & Ferment FBKIT1001 – remember promo code CALIFLASH

Complete Selection: Flash Brewing Kits

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MoreBeer’s Irish Stout – Guinness Clone – All Grain Kit – $27.99 w/Coupon!

irish stout homebrew recipe

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

Irish Stout Kits at MoreBeer

Irish Stout | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | All-Grain

Irish Stout | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Mini Mash

  • A Dry Stout in the style of Guinness with flaked barley for a wonderfully creamy head
  • Includes a single addition of Magnum hops
  • Estimated ABV: 6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 41-45
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Here it is, a Dry Stout in the style of Guinness. Flaked Barley helps to provide all the protein that is needed to produce that wonderfully creamy head. 43 IBU of bitterness compliments the dryness of the Roasted Barley to produce authentic Irish Dry Stout. The liquid yeast is of course from Irish decent.

Continue reading

MoreBeer’s Irish Stout – Guinness Clone – Stout Mini Mash Kits – from $27.99, Save 20% + Free Ship Eligible

irish stout homebrew recipe

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

Irish Stout Kits at MoreBeer

Irish Stout | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | All-Grain

Irish Stout | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Mini Mash

  • A Dry Stout in the style of Guinness with flaked barley for a wonderfully creamy head
  • Includes a single addition of Magnum hops
  • Estimated ABV: 6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 41-45
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Here it is, a Dry Stout in the style of Guinness. Flaked Barley helps to provide all the protein that is needed to produce that wonderfully creamy head. 43 IBU of bitterness compliments the dryness of the Roasted Barley to produce authentic Irish Dry Stout. The liquid yeast is of course from Irish decent.

Continue reading

Ends Soon: HopJack Pale Ale Clone All Extract Kits – Signature Series by Jamiel Zainasheff – from $27.99 w/coupon

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

This means extract kits start at just $27.99.

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits.

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • This Pale Ale recipe has a light malt profile that allows the hops character to be on full display
  • Includes Willamette and Cascade hops
  • Estimated ABV: 4.5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 42-46
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Jamil was going for a certain flavored Pale Ale styled after one of his favorite commercial examples. It features a light malt backround that includes crystal 15, vienna, and munich combined with an interesting mix of hops.

Jamil is famous for being “The Pope” on the Brewing Network and having been one of the most award winning homebrewers of all time. He also co-wrote Brewing Classic Styles and Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation. Now he owns Heretic brewing one of the top breweries in the country. What you don’t know is that once he was a programmer and helped MoreBeer! create an online shopping site in the late 1990’s.

  • Make 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.045-49
  • SRM (Color Range): 9
  • IBUs: 42-46
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Jamil’s HopJack Pale Ale Clone Kits – from $24.79 w/coupon

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits.

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • This Pale Ale recipe has a light malt profile that allows the hops character to be on full display
  • Includes Willamette and Cascade hops
  • Estimated ABV: 4.5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 42-46
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Jamil was going for a certain flavored Pale Ale styled after one of his favorite commercial examples. It features a light malt backround that includes crystal 15, vienna, and munich combined with an interesting mix of hops.

Jamil is famous for being “The Pope” on the Brewing Network and having been one of the most award winning homebrewers of all time. He also co-wrote Brewing Classic Styles and Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation. Now he owns Heretic brewing one of the top breweries in the country. What you don’t know is that once he was a programmer and helped MoreBeer! create an online shopping site in the late 1990’s.

  • Make 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.045-49
  • SRM (Color Range): 9
  • IBUs: 42-46
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



HopJack Pale Ale Clone All Extract Kits – Signature Series by Jamiel Zainasheff – from $27.99 w/coupon

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

This means extract kits start at just $27.99.

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits.

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • This Pale Ale recipe has a light malt profile that allows the hops character to be on full display
  • Includes Willamette and Cascade hops
  • Estimated ABV: 4.5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 42-46
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Jamil was going for a certain flavored Pale Ale styled after one of his favorite commercial examples. It features a light malt backround that includes crystal 15, vienna, and munich combined with an interesting mix of hops.

Jamil is famous for being “The Pope” on the Brewing Network and having been one of the most award winning homebrewers of all time. He also co-wrote Brewing Classic Styles and Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation. Now he owns Heretic brewing one of the top breweries in the country. What you don’t know is that once he was a programmer and helped MoreBeer! create an online shopping site in the late 1990’s.

  • Make 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.045-49
  • SRM (Color Range): 9
  • IBUs: 42-46
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



HopJack Pale Ale Clone All Grain Kits – Signature Series by Jamiel Zainasheff… $24.79 w/coupon!

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

This means all grain kits are just $24.79.

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits.

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • This Pale Ale recipe has a light malt profile that allows the hops character to be on full display
  • Includes Willamette and Cascade hops
  • Estimated ABV: 4.5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 42-46
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Jamil was going for a certain flavored Pale Ale styled after one of his favorite commercial examples. It features a light malt backround that includes crystal 15, vienna, and munich combined with an interesting mix of hops.

Jamil is famous for being “The Pope” on the Brewing Network and having been one of the most award winning homebrewers of all time. He also co-wrote Brewing Classic Styles and Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation. Now he owns Heretic brewing one of the top breweries in the country. What you don’t know is that once he was a programmer and helped MoreBeer! create an online shopping site in the late 1990’s.

  • Make 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.045-49
  • SRM (Color Range): 9
  • IBUs: 42-46
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



HopJack Pale Ale Clone Kits – Signature Series by Jamiel Zainasheff – Save 20%, Limited Time Deal

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits.

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Our Signature Series kits offer a selection of crazy, unique beers developed by MoreBeer! customers, associates, and homebrewing legends!
  • This Pale Ale recipe has a light malt profile that allows the hops character to be on full display
  • Includes Willamette and Cascade hops
  • Estimated ABV: 4.5%
  • Estimated IBUs: 42-46
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

Jamil was going for a certain flavored Pale Ale styled after one of his favorite commercial examples. It features a light malt backround that includes crystal 15, vienna, and munich combined with an interesting mix of hops.

Jamil is famous for being “The Pope” on the Brewing Network and having been one of the most award winning homebrewers of all time. He also co-wrote Brewing Classic Styles and Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation. Now he owns Heretic brewing one of the top breweries in the country. What you don’t know is that once he was a programmer and helped MoreBeer! create an online shopping site in the late 1990’s.

  • Make 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.045-49
  • SRM (Color Range): 9
  • IBUs: 42-46
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.5%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Last Chance, Ends Today… Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA Kits – THE Recipe Straight From the Brewery! – Save 20%, Limited Time Deal

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Extract

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits. This is a direct collaboration with the brewer and THE recipe for Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA!

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • This BrewMaster Series kit was scaled down to a homebrew batch size in collaboration with the brewmasters at Rogue Ales
  • A malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Cascade, Willamette, and Amarillo® hops
  • Estimated ABV: 7.6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 58-62
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

John C. Maier of Rogue Brewing Company, Newport Oregon has been an avid homebrewer since 1982. In the Fall of 1986, he decided to turn his passion into a job and attended the Siebel Institute of Technology, graduating from their 50th course in Brewing Technology. The Alaskan Brewery in Juneau hired John as Assistant BrewMaster in March of 1987. In 1988 he won the prestigious American Homebrewer’s Association Homebrewer of the Year award. In May 1989 he left Alaska Brewery, and that same month walked in on the very first brew at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, Oregon. He has brewed over thirty million pints of beer for Rogue since.

Rogue beers have won too many awards to list, and the brewery consistently receive the highest level of critical acclaim. In our opinion, Rogue makes some of the most original and best beers anywhere because John continuously experiments to expand and refine his brewing creativity. His commercial brewing for Rogue reflects his homebrewing background, in that Rogue produces an amazing variety of beers – well over 20 different regular styles plus additional seasonal specialties. Their beers are always intense, distinctive and literally packed with flavor. We know of no other hands-on BrewMaster who makes as much beer commercially (Rogue brews 1550 gallons per batch), yet still finds time to develop 20 gallon pilot batches for new, commercial beer products. In order to insure that his pilot brews run as quickly and consistently as possible, Rogue recently purchased a MoreBeer! Model 2050 Professional Series BrewSculptureTM System (pg. 54) with all available options, plus a 24-gallon MoreBeer! Stainless Conical Fermenter with cooling option. This industry-standard brewing system now serves as the product developmental platform for all new Rogue beers. Visit Rogue in either Newport or Portland, Oregon, or online at

Imperial India Pale Ale (“I2PA”) Recipe We were ecstatic when John offered us his famous Imperial India Pale Ale recipe as an ingredient kit. I2PA is a malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. You can think of I2PA as an IPA on steroids. We suggest you buy a bottle of Rogue I 2 PA and see how your version matches up against the original. John recommends using White Labs California Yeast, WLP001.

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.076-80
  • SRM (Color Range): 11
  • IBUs: 58-62
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 7.6%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Last Call: Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA Kits – THE Recipe Straight From the Brewery! – Save 20%, Limited Time Deal

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Extract

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits. This is a direct collaboration with the brewer and THE recipe for Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA!

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • This BrewMaster Series kit was scaled down to a homebrew batch size in collaboration with the brewmasters at Rogue Ales
  • A malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Cascade, Willamette, and Amarillo® hops
  • Estimated ABV: 7.6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 58-62
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

John C. Maier of Rogue Brewing Company, Newport Oregon has been an avid homebrewer since 1982. In the Fall of 1986, he decided to turn his passion into a job and attended the Siebel Institute of Technology, graduating from their 50th course in Brewing Technology. The Alaskan Brewery in Juneau hired John as Assistant BrewMaster in March of 1987. In 1988 he won the prestigious American Homebrewer’s Association Homebrewer of the Year award. In May 1989 he left Alaska Brewery, and that same month walked in on the very first brew at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, Oregon. He has brewed over thirty million pints of beer for Rogue since.

Rogue beers have won too many awards to list, and the brewery consistently receive the highest level of critical acclaim. In our opinion, Rogue makes some of the most original and best beers anywhere because John continuously experiments to expand and refine his brewing creativity. His commercial brewing for Rogue reflects his homebrewing background, in that Rogue produces an amazing variety of beers – well over 20 different regular styles plus additional seasonal specialties. Their beers are always intense, distinctive and literally packed with flavor. We know of no other hands-on BrewMaster who makes as much beer commercially (Rogue brews 1550 gallons per batch), yet still finds time to develop 20 gallon pilot batches for new, commercial beer products. In order to insure that his pilot brews run as quickly and consistently as possible, Rogue recently purchased a MoreBeer! Model 2050 Professional Series BrewSculptureTM System (pg. 54) with all available options, plus a 24-gallon MoreBeer! Stainless Conical Fermenter with cooling option. This industry-standard brewing system now serves as the product developmental platform for all new Rogue beers. Visit Rogue in either Newport or Portland, Oregon, or online at

Imperial India Pale Ale (“I2PA”) Recipe We were ecstatic when John offered us his famous Imperial India Pale Ale recipe as an ingredient kit. I2PA is a malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. You can think of I2PA as an IPA on steroids. We suggest you buy a bottle of Rogue I 2 PA and see how your version matches up against the original. John recommends using White Labs California Yeast, WLP001.

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.076-80
  • SRM (Color Range): 11
  • IBUs: 58-62
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 7.6%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Ends Soon: Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA Kits – THE Recipe Straight From the Brewery! – Save 20%, Limited Time Deal

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Extract

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits. This is a direct collaboration with the brewer and THE recipe for Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA!

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • This BrewMaster Series kit was scaled down to a homebrew batch size in collaboration with the brewmasters at Rogue Ales
  • A malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Cascade, Willamette, and Amarillo® hops
  • Estimated ABV: 7.6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 58-62
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

John C. Maier of Rogue Brewing Company, Newport Oregon has been an avid homebrewer since 1982. In the Fall of 1986, he decided to turn his passion into a job and attended the Siebel Institute of Technology, graduating from their 50th course in Brewing Technology. The Alaskan Brewery in Juneau hired John as Assistant BrewMaster in March of 1987. In 1988 he won the prestigious American Homebrewer’s Association Homebrewer of the Year award. In May 1989 he left Alaska Brewery, and that same month walked in on the very first brew at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, Oregon. He has brewed over thirty million pints of beer for Rogue since.

Rogue beers have won too many awards to list, and the brewery consistently receive the highest level of critical acclaim. In our opinion, Rogue makes some of the most original and best beers anywhere because John continuously experiments to expand and refine his brewing creativity. His commercial brewing for Rogue reflects his homebrewing background, in that Rogue produces an amazing variety of beers – well over 20 different regular styles plus additional seasonal specialties. Their beers are always intense, distinctive and literally packed with flavor. We know of no other hands-on BrewMaster who makes as much beer commercially (Rogue brews 1550 gallons per batch), yet still finds time to develop 20 gallon pilot batches for new, commercial beer products. In order to insure that his pilot brews run as quickly and consistently as possible, Rogue recently purchased a MoreBeer! Model 2050 Professional Series BrewSculptureTM System (pg. 54) with all available options, plus a 24-gallon MoreBeer! Stainless Conical Fermenter with cooling option. This industry-standard brewing system now serves as the product developmental platform for all new Rogue beers. Visit Rogue in either Newport or Portland, Oregon, or online at

Imperial India Pale Ale (“I2PA”) Recipe We were ecstatic when John offered us his famous Imperial India Pale Ale recipe as an ingredient kit. I2PA is a malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. You can think of I2PA as an IPA on steroids. We suggest you buy a bottle of Rogue I 2 PA and see how your version matches up against the original. John recommends using White Labs California Yeast, WLP001.

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.076-80
  • SRM (Color Range): 11
  • IBUs: 58-62
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 7.6%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



MoreBeer’s Party Pack! HALF OFF Wine Kits w/Beer Kit Purchase!

MoreBeer’s Party Pack Beer and Wine Kit Bundle Deal gets you a whopping half off a wine kit when you buy a beer kit. Choose from all grain or extract. This is a great deal!

Buy A Beer Recipe Kit Get A Wine Kit 50% OFF

Wine Kit of the Week!

MoreBeer offers 20% off via the Wine Kit of the Week Sale. The new wine kit appears every Monday around Noon Pacific Time and will be available while supplies last.

MoreBeer Wine Kit of the Week!  Use code WKOTW to get the deal

MoreWine, MoreBeer’s Wine specific site also has a Wine Kit of the Week and that sometimes varies from MoreBeer’s Wine Kit of the Week…

MoreWine Wine Kit of the Week

+ Twisted Mist Sale…

twisted mist wine kit

Continue reading

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA Exctract Recipe – THE Recipe Straight From the Brewery! – from $37.59 w/20% off coupon

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Extract

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits. This is a direct collaboration with the brewer and THE recipe for Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA!

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • This BrewMaster Series kit was scaled down to a homebrew batch size in collaboration with the brewmasters at Rogue Ales
  • A malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Cascade, Willamette, and Amarillo® hops
  • Estimated ABV: 7.6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 58-62
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

John C. Maier of Rogue Brewing Company, Newport Oregon has been an avid homebrewer since 1982. In the Fall of 1986, he decided to turn his passion into a job and attended the Siebel Institute of Technology, graduating from their 50th course in Brewing Technology. The Alaskan Brewery in Juneau hired John as Assistant BrewMaster in March of 1987. In 1988 he won the prestigious American Homebrewer’s Association Homebrewer of the Year award. In May 1989 he left Alaska Brewery, and that same month walked in on the very first brew at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, Oregon. He has brewed over thirty million pints of beer for Rogue since.

Rogue beers have won too many awards to list, and the brewery consistently receive the highest level of critical acclaim. In our opinion, Rogue makes some of the most original and best beers anywhere because John continuously experiments to expand and refine his brewing creativity. His commercial brewing for Rogue reflects his homebrewing background, in that Rogue produces an amazing variety of beers – well over 20 different regular styles plus additional seasonal specialties. Their beers are always intense, distinctive and literally packed with flavor. We know of no other hands-on BrewMaster who makes as much beer commercially (Rogue brews 1550 gallons per batch), yet still finds time to develop 20 gallon pilot batches for new, commercial beer products. In order to insure that his pilot brews run as quickly and consistently as possible, Rogue recently purchased a MoreBeer! Model 2050 Professional Series BrewSculptureTM System (pg. 54) with all available options, plus a 24-gallon MoreBeer! Stainless Conical Fermenter with cooling option. This industry-standard brewing system now serves as the product developmental platform for all new Rogue beers. Visit Rogue in either Newport or Portland, Oregon, or online at

Imperial India Pale Ale (“I2PA”) Recipe We were ecstatic when John offered us his famous Imperial India Pale Ale recipe as an ingredient kit. I2PA is a malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. You can think of I2PA as an IPA on steroids. We suggest you buy a bottle of Rogue I 2 PA and see how your version matches up against the original. John recommends using White Labs California Yeast, WLP001.

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.076-80
  • SRM (Color Range): 11
  • IBUs: 58-62
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 7.6%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



40% Off Beer Recipe Kits at Label Peelers!

40% Off Beer Kits at Label Peelers

  • As of this posting, Label Peelers is discounting their lineup of beer recipe kits by a whopping 40%.
  • Most kits are included, although there are some exceptions.
  • Shipping is an additional cost based on your location.  Because of minimum shipping costs, it may make sense to place a larger order.  Additional items may ship for minimal cost.  Example: Shipping (for me) for 1 lb of Citra is $8.93.  2 lbs cost $9.18 to ship.  That second pound costs just 25 cents to ship.  That’s minimum shipping at work.

Beer Recipe Kits at Label Peelers

Sort to show best selling first

Combo Pack – Buy One, Get One HALF OFF

MoreBeer is offering buy one get one HALF OFF beer kits. Choose from Hop Blonde and Ron Mexico Pale Ale both in extract and all grain. These deal means kits start at at just… $12.50 if you choose all grain hop blonde.

Buy One Beer Recipe Kit Get One 50% OFF!

Continue reading

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA All Grain Recipe – THE Recipe Straight From the Brewery!… $35.99 w/Coupon

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Extract

  • MoreBeer’s Kit of the Week offers a 20% discount on a select recipe for a limited time.  Choose from all grain or extract versions while supplies last.
  • Shipping is also free to many US addresses with a qualifying $59 order
  • Custom Tap Handle: All of MoreBeer’s original recipe kits come with a full color insert that works with this custom tap handle
  • Easy Filler Item….  If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW

Check out this week’s Kit of the Week! – remember coupon code KOTW

These recipes are part of MoreBeer’s BrewMaster Series of recipe kits. This is a direct collaboration with the brewer and THE recipe for Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA!

Rogue Ales I2PA Imperial IPA

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • This BrewMaster Series kit was scaled down to a homebrew batch size in collaboration with the brewmasters at Rogue Ales
  • A malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness
  • Includes Magnum, Cascade, Willamette, and Amarillo® hops
  • Estimated ABV: 7.6%
  • Estimated IBUs: 58-62
  • Makes 5 gallons of finished beer

John C. Maier of Rogue Brewing Company, Newport Oregon has been an avid homebrewer since 1982. In the Fall of 1986, he decided to turn his passion into a job and attended the Siebel Institute of Technology, graduating from their 50th course in Brewing Technology. The Alaskan Brewery in Juneau hired John as Assistant BrewMaster in March of 1987. In 1988 he won the prestigious American Homebrewer’s Association Homebrewer of the Year award. In May 1989 he left Alaska Brewery, and that same month walked in on the very first brew at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, Oregon. He has brewed over thirty million pints of beer for Rogue since.

Rogue beers have won too many awards to list, and the brewery consistently receive the highest level of critical acclaim. In our opinion, Rogue makes some of the most original and best beers anywhere because John continuously experiments to expand and refine his brewing creativity. His commercial brewing for Rogue reflects his homebrewing background, in that Rogue produces an amazing variety of beers – well over 20 different regular styles plus additional seasonal specialties. Their beers are always intense, distinctive and literally packed with flavor. We know of no other hands-on BrewMaster who makes as much beer commercially (Rogue brews 1550 gallons per batch), yet still finds time to develop 20 gallon pilot batches for new, commercial beer products. In order to insure that his pilot brews run as quickly and consistently as possible, Rogue recently purchased a MoreBeer! Model 2050 Professional Series BrewSculptureTM System (pg. 54) with all available options, plus a 24-gallon MoreBeer! Stainless Conical Fermenter with cooling option. This industry-standard brewing system now serves as the product developmental platform for all new Rogue beers. Visit Rogue in either Newport or Portland, Oregon, or online at

Imperial India Pale Ale (“I2PA”) Recipe We were ecstatic when John offered us his famous Imperial India Pale Ale recipe as an ingredient kit. I2PA is a malty beer that is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. You can think of I2PA as an IPA on steroids. We suggest you buy a bottle of Rogue I 2 PA and see how your version matches up against the original. John recommends using White Labs California Yeast, WLP001.

  • Makes 5 gallons
  • Estimated Original Gravity: 1.076-80
  • SRM (Color Range): 11
  • IBUs: 58-62
  • Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 7.6%



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!

