Category Archives: Session Beers

Session Beers – Brewing for Balance and Flavor

Session Beers: Brewing for Flavor and Balance

Session Beers: Brewing for Flavor and Balance by Jennifer Talley

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While the term “session beer” as a style description has only been around since the 1980s, many classic beer styles, like Pilsner, Kölsch, cream ale, and English mild and bitter, to name a few, have been a crucial part of “session” culture for beer drinkers for centuries. In more recent years, many craft brewers in America have begun producing additional low-alcohol drinks, providing sessionable examples of customarily strong beers. Nowadays, the craft beer market has many notable examples of “session IPAs” and moderate-strength pale ales and stouts, and even rare styles like Gose are now part of mainstream craft offerings. These cover a wide range in terms of malt balance and hoppiness, and their moderate strength requires high brewing standards to achieve balance and drinkability.

In Session Beers: Brewing for Flavor and Balance, author Jennifer Talley takes an overview of the history behind some of the world’s greatest session beers, past and present. Talley weaves societal, political, and brewing trends into her narrative, and stresses the importance of beer in society as well as offering guidance on how brewers can encourage responsible drinking in their patrons. She addresses brewing processes and ingredients to help brewers master recipe development when crafting high-quality but easy-drinking beers. The final section contains 25 recipes curated by the author. These recipes are for popular craft session beers taken straight from the mouths of some of the best brewmasters in America, complete with a brief history of the breweries and brewers involved. Open up this book and disover why beer drinkers say “I’ll have another” to session beers, and be inspired to brew some of your own.


Session Beers: Brewing for Flavor and Balance – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Also Consider: The Homebrewer’s Library – Selection of Homebrewing and Craft Beer Books

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Big Little Guy IPA – Session IPA, Inspired by Founder’s All Day IPA

Big Little Guy Session IPA

Big Little Guy Session IPA is available in both Extract and All Grain.  It is a session IPA inspired by Founder’s All Day IPA.

Session IPAs are generally lower gravity beers that are hopped to the same level as a typical IPA.  Great for warmer weather.  The extract version is also set up for a quick and easy 20 minute boil.

Features – Pale Malt, Crystal 20L and 60L, Dark wheat malt, flaked oats along wit Amarillo, Simcoe and Crystal Hops.

Check out the product pages for more information including full instructions and recipes on the product documentation tab.

Check it out: Extract and All Grain

RelatedCommercial Beer Replication Resources

Check sale or product page for current availability & pricing


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Blonde Ale Extract Beer Kit – $20.99


Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.

Availability: This is a More Beer Deal of the Day. Quantities are limited. Check the Deal of the Day section Here to see if this is still available.

Description: Makes 5 gallons,  A Blonde Ale is a great starter beer for those who are new to craft beer. An easy drinking ale, low in esters, balanced with enough hop character to accentuate the malt profile. We brew this beer for big party events.  Estimated Original Gravity:1.044-48.  SRM Color Range: 8.  IBU’s: 14-18.  Estimated Alcohol Percentage: 4.5% (keep reading)

Blonde Ale – Extract Beer Kit – KIT132$25.99 $20.99 + Free Shipping with a $59 order

This ships for free as part of MoreBeer’s Free Shipping Promo.  Grab your next recipe kit – See: BrewMaster SeriesBrewing Pliny, some gear, something that’s on sale or clearance and put together a $59 order to get free shipping.


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New: ObSession IPA – Features Warrior, Simcoe, Centennial and Experimental HBC-342

Obsession IPA

from MoreBeer!:

Crisp, Balanced, And Perfectly Hopped!  If you’re looking for a new brew to obsess over, look no further! Our obSession IPA contains a beautiful blend of Warrior, Simcoe, Centennial and HBC-342 experimental hops, and weighs in at just under 5% ABV! With as much flavor as an IPA, and the alcohol content of a light beer, the obSession IPA is an excellent summer sipper!

This recipe is available in both Extract and All Grain versions.  It also falls under MoreBeer’s generous $59 free shipping offer.

Check it out – Here


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