Category Archives: Star San

32 Oz Star San – on sale for $18.99! Limited Availability, BEATS 2018 Deal!

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Limited Availability Deal of the Day: As of this posting, this on sale as as a MoreBeer Deal of the DayShipping is also free to addresses in the contiguous US with most $59 Orders. Availability: This is available today only, while supplies last. Quantities are limited. Check the MoreBeer’s Deal of the Day to check today’s offering.

Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.

Star San – 32 oz CL26A

From the “prices on everything continue to skyrocket” department, this BEATS a deal of the day that was offered in November of 2018. At that time it was offered for $19.99.

Deal is valid 3/5/25 only while supplies last




This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


32 Oz Star San – on sale for $18.99! Limited Availability, BEATS 2018 Deal!

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Limited Availability Deal of the Day: As of this posting, this on sale as as a MoreBeer Deal of the DayShipping is also free to addresses in the contiguous US with most $59 Orders. Availability: This is available today only, while supplies last. Quantities are limited. Check the MoreBeer’s Deal of the Day to check today’s offering.

Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.

Star San – 32 oz CL26A

From the “prices on everything continue to skyrocket” department, this BEATS a deal of the day that was offered in November of 2018. At that time it was offered for $19.99.

Deal is valid 3/5/25 only while supplies last




This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


How Long Does Star San Last? – pH + Clarity


Updated: January 31, 2025

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It’s food safe and no rinse.  Required contact time is five mintues.  It has worked very well for me for quite some time and I’m convinced that it’s one of the most economical solutions available if you use the spray bottle method. See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines

How Long Does Star San Last?

With regards to mixed Star San Solution: The official answer is probably… you should mix a fresh batch each time you use it.  To really test the effectiveness, you need to titrate the solution and test the PPM.

Practically speaking, many homebrewers use and re-use Star San.  If you’re going to do that, the solution should be relatively clear and the mixture should have a pH of under 3.5.  Previously the recommendation I received from Five Star Chemicals was that the solution should by crystal clear, however, for bottles of Star San not older than 1 year (check the manufacture date on the bottle, the first two digits are the year it was manufactured) crystal clarity isn’t necessarily a requirement.

More! Star San’s Shelf Life, Age & pH

Craft Cleaning Chart – Contact Times, Dosage, Temperate and More for Star San, PBW and lots more + Limited Time DEAL on Star San

Updated: February 3, 2025

Limited Time DEAL on Star San!

  • For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Star San by 20%.
  • Applies to all sizes, no coupon code required.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
  • Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Resource Posts on PBW and Star San

I have resource posts on Star San and PBW that have loads of information, tips & tricks.

Star San and PBW Tips and Tricks

About Star San

Star San is my homebrew sanitizer of choice.  When mixed properly, it’s food safe and no rinse.  Required contact time is five minutes.  It has worked very well for me for quite some time and I’m convinced that it’s one of the most economical solutions available if you’re using the “Spray Bottle Method” outlined here.


About PBW

Five Star Chemicals PBW – Powder Brewery Wash – is my go-to brewery cleaner. It is a non-hazardous buffered alkaline brewery cleaner and it… works great.

Five Star’s Craft Cleaning Chart PDF…

Continue reading

Ends Today: Star San Sanitizer, 16 Oz – on sale for $18.39 at William’s Brewing

star san sanitizer

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

  • Through 2/3/25 William’s Brewing has these on sale for $18.39.
  • Shipping is free or reasonably priced flat rate to addresses in the contiguous US depending on your order size for most items.

STAR SAN from William’s Brewing

Star San Tips!

Recommendation: Do Not Soak


This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


Visit William’s Brewing – Web Only Clearance Sale


Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability.

Star San Tips – Materials Compatibility (Do Not Soak) + Limited Time DEAL

star san materials compatibility

Star San is my homebrew sanitizer of choice.  When mixed properly, it’s food safe and no rinse.  Required contact time is five minutes.  It has worked very well for me for quite some time and I’m convinced that it’s one of the most economical solutions available if you’re using the “Spray Bottle Method” outlined here.

Limited Time DEAL!

  • For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Star San by 20%.
  • Applies to all sizes, no coupon code required.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
  • Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Star San Materials Compatibility

When Valuebrew released FDA Rated EPDM Keg O-Rings I did some digging on EPDM and learned that it’s pretty cool stuff. EPDM is the choice of many professional brewers and has some real advantages over silicone. One of the big ones is a much lower permeability. That means they seal better and since they’re less porous they are more resistant to absorbing off-smells and off-flavors.

Anyway, that’s the back story behind this section. While researching EPDM I found some nice materials compatibility charts showing what materials were compatible with what chemicals. Nice!


This made me wonder, what about Star San and PBW??

I reached out to Five Star Chemicals for some information on the subject. Unfortunately, a comprehensive run-down of compatibility was not available at the time I reached out to them.

I received this response from Ryan Alcala at Five Star Chemicals… “When it comes to our products they are compatible with stainless steel, glass, and rubber. They are not however compatible with softer metals like copper and aluminum.”

There are lots of materials we use that aren’t specifically listed in that list. I’m guessing both Star San and PBW have good compatibility with many of the materials we use. But, without a resource outlining materials compatibility, there is no definitive answer.

I can tell you from personal experience that Star San dissolved a plastic gallon jug that I had used for storage. It took a long time, but it started to dissolve the plastic. What kind of plastic was the jug?… I don’t know. But Star San was not compatible with that plastic for that amount of time. That Star San solution had dissolved plastic in it.  This is why I went to glass jugs.

That story is an illustration to make the point that just because we can’t see something happening doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Is Star San or PBW breaking down keg components, tubing and more?  I don’t know.

Personally, I’m going to try to limit contact time for both Star San and PBW as much as possible. Minimizing contact time will minimize any negative affects these chemicals have on homebrew gear.

Do Not… Soak

My initial thought is compatible = compatible. But… there’s also a time component. Just because Star San is compatible with a material doesn’t mean it’s compatible for any conceivable length of time.

From my contact at Five Star Chemicals… “Star San is an acid based sanitizer so if you are just leaving a piece of equipment soaking in it for hours it will eventually damage it”

Contact time for Star San is five minutes. That’s about how long you should leave a part sitting in Star San. Excessive time can cause damage.

Two materials that are an exception to this are stainless steel and glass.

But… Star San Comes In a Plastic Container

Yes, Star San does come in a plastic container. If everything you use in your home brewery is made from the same formulation at the same quality and then… you’re probably good to go. But… it’s not. There are all sorts of formulations (and quality) out there. Five Star’s official recommendation is to stick to Star San’s contact time.

This write-up is part of my Star San Resource Post – Jump To This Section

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Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines + Limited Time DEAL

star san tips and tricks

Updated: January 30, 2025

Star San is my homebrew sanitizer of choice.  When mixed properly, it’s food safe and no rinse.  Required contact time is five minutes.  It has worked very well for me for quite some time and I’m convinced that it’s one of the most economical solutions available if you’re using the “Spray Bottle Method” outlined here.

Limited Time DEAL

  • For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Star San by 20%.
  • Applies to all sizes, no coupon code required.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
  • Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Cleaning, Sanitizing and… Sterilizing

The first step in sanitizing is cleaning.  Cleaning and sanitizing are two separate steps.  Cleaning physically removes dirt and large contaminants.  After your item is physically clean it can be microscopically sanitized.  Sanitization kills many (but not all) germs, bacteria and microorganisms on an already clean surface.  I typically use a mixture of PBW for cleaning.  Sanitizing and Sterilizing are different.  Sterilizing is killing every living thing.  In home brewing typically, we’re not interested in sterilizing, we’re only interested in sanitizing.

Continue reading

Star San Sale at MoreBeer! + Tips & Tricks

  • For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Star San by 20%.
  • Applies to all sizes, no coupon code required.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
  • Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Star San Tips!

Recommendation: Do Not Soak



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability.

Lesson Learned… Don’t Do This With Star San

Star San Acid Sanitizer, 8 oz No Rinse Food Grade Homebrew Beer Wine Moonshine

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.

Don’t Do this with Star San…

You probably already know this but, don’t… spill concentrated Star San solution on yourself.  I normally wouldn’t take the time to state the obvious, but I did this recently and got a pretty good picture out of the incident…


Pictorial evidence of the aftermath.  These are a pair of some of my favorite short’s Columbia Sportswear Voyager Cargo Shorts that I was wearing at the time.  The white is a permanent feature.  Obviously Star San and Nylon do not play well together.  It’s almost like the Star San broke down the Nylon, or at the very least it bleached it white.  I had these in the wash within 1 minute or so of the spill, still, they have become work shorts


My (cotton) Patagonia T-Shirt fared much better.  It was left unscathed.

I also had to rinse my legs and arms after this incident.  I was left physically unscathed except for one finger nail that had a bit of a burning feeling for a while.

Undiluted Star San is a relatively strong acid.  This will serve as a reminder for me to be more careful with it.

Star San Tips & Tricks

Recommendation: Do Not Soak


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My Favorite Size of Star San & Why

Star San Acid Sanitizer, 8 oz No Rinse Food Grade Homebrew Beer Wine Moonshine

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.

My Favorite Size and Why

Considering the shelf life of Star San concentrate is 1 to 2 years, If you’re using the Spray Bottle Method (See: Tip: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle), I generally recommend purchasing the 8 ounce size.

8 ounces of concentrate yields about 39 gallons of mixed solution.  The spray bottle method is very efficient, so you don’t end up using much sanitizer per batch.

8 oz = ~ 157 Batches

Let’s say you use 1/4 gallon (which I personally think is high) for each batch, the 8 ounces size yields enough mixed solution for around 157 batches.  That figures to about 13 batches per month over a 1 year period.  If you use 1/8 gallon (which I think is more realistic) that equates to about 26 batches per month over a 1 year period.

More Per Ounce, But Less Costly Overall

The larger 16 and 32 ounces sizes may be a lower cost per ounce, but if you’re unable to use it within Star San’s shelf life, you’ll just be throwing sanitizer away or using less effective past date sanitizer.  Getting a smaller bottle more often means your Star San is fresher.

The 8 ounce size of Star San is becoming more difficult to find. In that case 16 oz makes the most sense to me.


Star San Tips & Tricks

Recommendation: Do Not Soak


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Ends Today: 37% Off Cleaners and Sanitizers at Label Peelers

  • As of this posting, Label Peelers is discounting their lineup of cleaners and sanitizers by a whopping 37%.
  • Most kits are included, although there are some exceptions.
  • Shipping is an additional cost based on your location.  Because of minimum shipping costs, it may make sense to place a larger order.  Additional items may ship for minimal cost.  Example: Shipping (for me) for 1 lb of Citra is $8.93.  2 lbs cost $9.18 to ship.  That second pound costs just 25 cents to ship.  That’s minimum shipping at work.

Cleaning and Sanitation at Label Peelers


This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability.

Ends Soon: 37% Off Cleaners and Sanitizers at Label Peelers

  • As of this posting, Label Peelers is discounting their lineup of cleaners and sanitizers by a whopping 37%.
  • Most kits are included, although there are some exceptions.
  • Shipping is an additional cost based on your location.  Because of minimum shipping costs, it may make sense to place a larger order.  Additional items may ship for minimal cost.  Example: Shipping (for me) for 1 lb of Citra is $8.93.  2 lbs cost $9.18 to ship.  That second pound costs just 25 cents to ship.  That’s minimum shipping at work.

Cleaning and Sanitation at Label Peelers


This post may contain affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!


Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability.

16 Oz Star San Homebrew Sanitizer + Why I think this size is plenty large enough

Five Star - Star San - 16 Ounce - Brew Sanitizer

Five Star – Star San – 16 Ounce – Brew Sanitizer

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • HIGH FOAMING- This sanitizer produces foam with little agitation for penetration into those cracks and crevices of equipment
  • CONVENIENT NO-RINSE FORMULA- With only a 30 second contact time, this sanitizer doesn’t need to be rinsed off When left to dry on stainless steel at certain concentrations, it will passivate and protect the equipment
  • SAFE AND EASY TO USE – Comes in an easy dosing dual-neck bottle with built-in measurements
  • EFFECTIVE ON MANY SURAFACES- Great for use on carboys, kegs, fermentors, kettles, brewing systems, chillers, and heat exchangers
  • USED BY PROFESSIONALS- Many craft brewers choose Star San as their sanitizer of choice in order to make good beer


Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star – Star San – 16 Ounce – Brew Sanitizer High Foaming Acid Anionic – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

I think this size is plenty….

Considering the shelf life of Star San concentrate is 1 to 2 years, If you’re using the Spray Bottle Method [See: Tip: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle], I generally recommend purchasing the 8 ounce size.  8 ounces of concentrate yields about 39 gallons of mixed solution.  The spray bottle method is very efficient, so you don’t end up using much sanitizer per batch.  Let’s say you use 1/4 gallon (which I personally think is high) for each batch, the 8 ounces size yields enough mixed solution for around 157 batches.  That figures to about 13 batches per month over a 1 year period.  If you use 1/8 gallon (which I think is more realistic) that equates to about 26 batches per month over a 1 year period.  The larger 16 and 32 ounces sizes may be a lower cost per ounce, but if you’re unable to use it within Star San’s shelf life, you’ll just be throwing sanitizer away or using less effective past date sanitizer.  Getting a smaller bottle more often means your Star San is fresher.

Those estimations are for 8 ounces, double the numbers for 16 ounces.



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our Amazon links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



32 Oz Star San Homebrew Sanitizer + Star San Tips & Tricks

Five Star - 6022b_ - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

32 Ounce Star San

More Info

Highlighted Features
  • Star San Is A High Foaming, Acid-Based, No-Rinse Sanitizer That Is Effective And Easy To Use.
  • Self-Foaming, Which Helps To Penetrate Cracks And Crevices.
  • Odorless, Flavorless, Biodegradable. Will Not Harm Septic Systems.
  • Reduces Water Spotting And Can Be Used Without Rinsing When Used At The Recommended Dilution.




Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star – 6022b_ – Star San – 32 Ounce – High Foaming Sanitizer – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our Amazon links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



32 Oz Star San Homebrew Sanitizer + Star San Tips & Tricks

Five Star - 6022b_ - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

32 Ounce Star San

More Info

Highlighted Features
  • Star San Is A High Foaming, Acid-Based, No-Rinse Sanitizer That Is Effective And Easy To Use.
  • Self-Foaming, Which Helps To Penetrate Cracks And Crevices.
  • Odorless, Flavorless, Biodegradable. Will Not Harm Septic Systems.
  • Reduces Water Spotting And Can Be Used Without Rinsing When Used At The Recommended Dilution.




Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star – 6022b_ – Star San – 32 Ounce – High Foaming Sanitizer – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our Amazon links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Star San Tips – Materials Compatibility + Do Not Soak

star san materials compatibility

Star San is my homebrew sanitizer of choice.  When mixed properly, it’s food safe and no rinse.  Required contact time is five minutes.  It has worked very well for me for quite some time and I’m convinced that it’s one of the most economical solutions available if you’re using the “Spray Bottle Method” outlined here.

Limited Time DEAL!

  • For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Star San by 20%.
  • Applies to all sizes, no coupon code required.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
  • Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Star San Materials Compatibility

When Valuebrew released FDA Rated EPDM Keg O-Rings I did some digging on EPDM and learned that it’s pretty cool stuff. EPDM is the choice of many professional brewers and has some real advantages over silicone. One of the big ones is a much lower permeability. That means they seal better and since they’re less porous they are more resistant to absorbing off-smells and off-flavors.

Anyway, that’s the back story behind this section. While researching EPDM I found some nice materials compatibility charts showing what materials were compatible with what chemicals. Nice!


This made me wonder, what about Star San and PBW??

I reached out to Five Star Chemicals for some information on the subject. Unfortunately, a comprehensive run-down of compatibility was not available at the time I reached out to them.

I received this response from Ryan Alcala at Five Star Chemicals… “When it comes to our products they are compatible with stainless steel, glass, and rubber. They are not however compatible with softer metals like copper and aluminum.”

There are lots of materials we use that aren’t specifically listed in that list. I’m guessing both Star San and PBW have good compatibility with many of the materials we use. But, without a resource outlining materials compatibility, there is no definitive answer.

I can tell you from personal experience that Star San dissolved a plastic gallon jug that I had used for storage. It took a long time, but it started to dissolve the plastic. What kind of plastic was the jug?… I don’t know. But Star San was not compatible with that plastic for that amount of time. That Star San solution had dissolved plastic in it.  This is why I went to glass jugs.

That story is an illustration to make the point that just because we can’t see something happening doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Is Star San or PBW breaking down keg components, tubing and more?  I don’t know.

Personally, I’m going to try to limit contact time for both Star San and PBW as much as possible. Minimizing contact time will minimize any negative affects these chemicals have on homebrew gear.

Do Not… Soak

My initial thought is compatible = compatible. But… there’s also a time component. Just because Star San is compatible with a material doesn’t mean it’s compatible for any conceivable length of time.

From my contact at Five Star Chemicals… “Star San is an acid based sanitizer so if you are just leaving a piece of equipment soaking in it for hours it will eventually damage it”

Contact time for Star San is five minutes. That’s about how long you should leave a part sitting in Star San. Excessive time can cause damage.

Two materials that are an exception to this are stainless steel and glass.

But… Star San Comes In a Plastic Container

Yes, Star San does come in a plastic container. If everything you use in your home brewery is made from the same formulation at the same quality and then… you’re probably good to go. But… it’s not. There are all sorts of formulations (and quality) out there. Five Star’s official recommendation is to stick to Star San’s contact time.

This write-up is part of my Star San Resource Post – Jump To This Section

Continue reading

32 Oz Star San Homebrew Sanitizer + Star San Tips & Tricks

Five Star - 6022b_ - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

32 Ounce Star San

More Info

Highlighted Features
  • Star San Is A High Foaming, Acid-Based, No-Rinse Sanitizer That Is Effective And Easy To Use.
  • Self-Foaming, Which Helps To Penetrate Cracks And Crevices.
  • Odorless, Flavorless, Biodegradable. Will Not Harm Septic Systems.
  • Reduces Water Spotting And Can Be Used Without Rinsing When Used At The Recommended Dilution.




Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star – 6022b_ – Star San – 32 Ounce – High Foaming Sanitizer – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our Amazon links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



32 Oz Star San Homebrew Sanitizer + Star San Tips & Tricks

Five Star - 6022b_ - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

32 Ounce Star San

More Info

Highlighted Features
  • Star San Is A High Foaming, Acid-Based, No-Rinse Sanitizer That Is Effective And Easy To Use.
  • Self-Foaming, Which Helps To Penetrate Cracks And Crevices.
  • Odorless, Flavorless, Biodegradable. Will Not Harm Septic Systems.
  • Reduces Water Spotting And Can Be Used Without Rinsing When Used At The Recommended Dilution.




Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star – 6022b_ – Star San – 32 Ounce – High Foaming Sanitizer – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link



This post contains affiliate links. We may make a commission when you use our Amazon links. This will never cost you extra. Thank you for supporting Homebrew Finds!



Craft Cleaning Chart – Contact Times, Dosage, Temperate and More for Star San, PBW and lots more

Updated: February 3, 2025

Limited Time DEAL on Star San!

  • For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Star San by 20%.
  • Applies to all sizes, no coupon code required.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
  • Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star | Star San Sanitizer | Acid-Based Sanitizer | High Foaming | Flavorless, Odorless, & Non-Toxic

Resource Posts on PBW and Star San

I have resource posts on Star San and PBW that have loads of information, tips & tricks.

Star San and PBW Tips and Tricks

About Star San

Star San is my homebrew sanitizer of choice.  When mixed properly, it’s food safe and no rinse.  Required contact time is five minutes.  It has worked very well for me for quite some time and I’m convinced that it’s one of the most economical solutions available if you’re using the “Spray Bottle Method” outlined here.


About PBW

Five Star Chemicals PBW – Powder Brewery Wash – is my go-to brewery cleaner. It is a non-hazardous buffered alkaline brewery cleaner and it… works great.

Five Star’s Craft Cleaning Chart PDF…

Continue reading

32 Oz Star San Homebrew Sanitizer + Star San Tips & Tricks

Five Star - 6022b_ - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

32 Ounce Star San

More Info

Highlighted Features
  • Star San Is A High Foaming, Acid-Based, No-Rinse Sanitizer That Is Effective And Easy To Use.
  • Self-Foaming, Which Helps To Penetrate Cracks And Crevices.
  • Odorless, Flavorless, Biodegradable. Will Not Harm Septic Systems.
  • Reduces Water Spotting And Can Be Used Without Rinsing When Used At The Recommended Dilution.




Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.  See: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle

Five Star – 6022b_ – Star San – 32 Ounce – High Foaming Sanitizer – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link



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