Do You BBQ? Check Out My Black Friday Deals Roundup for BBQ-ers
Follow me on BBQ Finds for outdoor cooking related deals, tips, news, reviews, recipes and more.
Why BBQ? For many, BBQ and beer go hand and hand. The equipment that we use is multi-purpose. Thermometers, burners and more can be used for either activity. An example of this is that Kegland in Australia now also sells BBQs and Smokers and we see the same at some shops in the US. Along these lines we have periodically featured BBQ-related finds.
This is definitely true for me personally, I have smoked brisket longer than I’ve homebrewed. I love the craftsmanship that goes into great cooking, grilling and smoking.
If you’re paying attention to Homebrew Finds today, you surely know that I’m covering Black Friday from a Homebrewer’s perspective. I’m also covering it from a BBQ-ers perspective on BBQ Finds…
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*Long time readers of Homebrew Finds will remember BBQ Finds. The site existed for a good while and then morphed into a broader site that covered everything outdoors and moor. The site has returned to it’s former glory focusing on BBQ and outdoor cooking.
Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. tag;bbqf