Color Code AND Protect Beer from Light w/EVABarrier Color Coded LightShield Tubing!
About DuoTight: Kegland’s DuoTight Fittings are designed to work with EVABarrier Double Wall Tubing. They offer quick, reliable connections, easy implementation, a variety of fitting options and feature amazing versatility. They’re also, generally speaking, very well priced. DuoTights are push to connect fittings and require no tubing clamps. Check out my extensive Hands on Review
Announcing Color Coded LightShield Tubing!
Easily identify your gas and beverage lines with color-coded draft tubing. LightShield Black EVABarrier is recommended for beverage lines while using Transparent Red for your gas lines, saving you a headache when your draft lines inevitably get tangled up in your draft system. LightShield Black also works perfectly for hydroponic systems as it will block UV and discourage algae growth.
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
- Easily identify gas and beverage lines with color-coded options—LightShield Black for beverages, Transparent Red for gas
- EVABarrier’s double-walled design with a proprietary inner polymer significantly reduces oxidation and CO2 loss, keeping your beer fresher for longer
- The ultra-smooth, nearly impermeable inner surface of the tubing prevents bacteria and microbes from adhering, ensuring cleaner beer lines
- The stiff yet pliable EVA outer barrier makes the tubing kink-resistant and ideal for use with push-in fittings like Duotight and John Guest
- 3 mm ID size is perfect for mobile draft applications where only a short 3.2 ft. beverage line is needed
Easily identify your gas and beverage lines with color-coded draft tubing. LightShield Black EVABarrier is recommended for beverage lines while using Transparent Red for your gas lines, saving you a headache when your draft lines inevitably get tangled up in your draft system. LightShield Black also works perfectly for hydroponic systems as it will block UV and discourage algae growth.
If you’re looking for a high-quality draft tubing to take your system into the 21st century, EVABarrier is the clear choice. This double walled tubing offers superior protection against oxidation, CO2 loss and microbial growth. Plus, it’s BPA and PVC free! EVA tubing is the future of draft line for professional applications, and now you can rig up your home system with the same first-class tubing.
The 3 mm (5/32″) ID size is perfect for mobile draft applications or home draft systems where only a short beverage line is needed. Lengths of 3.2 ft. per line are all that you’ll need for adequate flow resistance.
Outer Barrier
The outer barrier is made from EVA material and provides a decent stiffness to the tubing while still remaining pliable. This not only makes EVABarrier extremely kink resistant, it also makes it the best tubing to be used with Duotight, John Guest, and other push-in fittings.
Inner Barrier
The inner barrier is made from a proprietary polymer that acts as an excellent gas barrier. You can rest assured that your beer will be better protected from oxygen exposure, as well as CO2 loss. Your beer will stay fresher for longer and not loose carbonation like with other draft line. With other beverage line, you may notice that beer sitting in the line for an extended period will start to taste flat and/or oxidized. EVA Barrier tubing is unquestionably better in this regard and you will notice a significantly improved freshness of your beer, especially if it’s been sitting in the lines for a while.
Due to the high density and smooth nature of the EVABarrier inner wall, the internal surface of the tubing is remarkably smooth and almost completely impermeable. This makes it difficult for bacteria and other microbes to attach to the inside surface of the tubing. Just another way EVABarrier is looking out for you and your beer!
Direct Connect to Ball Lock Kegs
This tubing works seamlessly with Duotight Gas In and Bev Out Ball Lock QDs which allow you to connect your draft lines directly to your ball lock homebrew keg. Be sure to select the correct size QD fittings that correspond to your tubing’s outer diameter (OD).
Inner Diameter – 3 mm (1/8″)
Outer Diameter – 6.35 mm (1/4″)
PVC, BPA , and Plasticizer Free*
Stiff outer wall is kink resistant and easy to use with Duotight fittings
Smooth inner wall prevents oxidation, CO2 loss and microbial growth build-up
Related: Color Code Your Keg Posts for Quick Identification!
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DuoTight Reviews, Resource Posts & How-To’s!
DuoTights are so amazing – at least in my book 🙂 – that I have several reviews and related top posts
- Hands on Review: Nukatap Counter Pressure Bottle Filler!
- Hands on Review: Kegland Inline Secondary Regulator!
- Troubleshooting and Fixing DuoTight Leaks
- Hands on Review: Kegland Ball Lock Cleaning Kit and Party Pump
- Build a DuoTight CO2 Gas Manifold! – for Kegland EVABarrier Tubing
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Rigid Joiners
- Building a Simple Ball Lock Draft Line Flushing Setup
- Hands on Review: Kegland BlowTie Spunding Valve!
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Ball Lock QDs!
- Five Benefits of Using Corny Kegs As Fermenters
- Hands on Review: Kegland DuoTight Fittings & EVABarrier Tubing!
- Using a Keg as a CO2 Source for Portable Serving!
- Hands on Review: Kegland Digital Gauges!
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morebeerPrice, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. 2.13.25 tag:lnksfxd rp:lightshield:rp tag:watchan Announcing: EVABarrier Color Coded LightShield Tubing