Flash Sale: Flash Brewing Kits from MoreBeer!

morebeer.com flash brewing

From MoreBeer:

Introducing MoreBeer!’s Flash Brewing Kits! Designed for both novice and seasoned homebrewers, these innovative recipe kits allow you to simply mix the ingredients with water and add yeast for fermentation. This streamlined process not only saves you valuable time but also simplifies brewing without sacrificing flavor. Say hello to a faster, easier way to craft exceptional beer at home.

Typically, brewing requires you to boil your malt and hops for one hour, followed by another hour for cooling. Flash Brewing eliminates the need to boil. Our Flash Brewing Malt recipes have been boiled and whirlpooled before they are dried. We then use a HopBite™ shot for bitterness combined with a mix of traditional hop pellets and extracts for flavor. Flash Yeast™ starts quickly and consistently produces clean beer that lets the malt and hops shine. The result is a high-quality beer that will absolutely surprise you.

Learn More About Flash Brewing!

For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Flash Brewing Kits by 15% when you use coupon code 15FLASH

Flash Brewing Kit Sale! – remember promo code 15FLASH

Short On Time? Time Saving Homebrew Tips!


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