Free Shipping at Adventures in Homebrewing – Limited Time Sale Matches MoreBeer’s Everyday Deal
Adventures in Homebrewing was a homebrew store located in Taylor, Michigan in the Detroit area. They offered a wide variety of homebrew supplies and gear including some really unique things at reasonable prices. They also had great customer service. Toward the end up 2021 AIH was bought out by a much larger homebrew shop. This sale included Austin Homebrew Supply which had merged with Adventures in Homebrewing but still operated a location in Austin, TX.
Adventures in Homebrewing along with Midwest Supplies and Austin Homebrew Supply have become vanity brands of Northern Brewer.
For a limited time Adventures in Homebrewing is offering free shipping on some orders of $59 or more. No coupon code required, check AIH for availability.
Although this is a limited time deal… MoreBeer offers an arguably more generous deal every single day.
MoreBeer offers free shipping with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses. Their free shipping includes many more and larger items in comparison’s to AIH. For example, AIH kegs do not quality, MoreBeer’s 5 gallon kegs DO qualify.
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