Genuine Innovations Brand CO2 Keg Charger and Cartridge [Portable Serving] – $9.99 + Free Ship Eligible
Co2 Cornelius Keg Charger (Genuine Innovations) via Adventures in Homebrewing
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
- By Genuine Innovations #1 in Co2 Technology.
- This is a portable handheld CO2 charger for Ball Lock or Pin Lock kegs, uses 16 Gram Non-Threaded cartridges.
- Small and light weight, charges keg in seconds, trigger valve allows precise control of gas.
- 1/4″ MFL disconnects in either Ball Lock or Pin Lock are necessary.
- This charger only uses a 16 gram Non-threaded co2 cartridge.
- These are designed for dispensing only. You will need approximately 3 Non-threaded cartridges to dispense a 5 gallon keg.
- Perfect for parties outings or emergencies.
- Includes one CO2 16 gram Non-threaded cartridge. View the options on the right to add additional bulbs.
- Use to server your keg on the go and as a backup CO2 source if your tank runs out.
- These are on sale for just $9.99.
- Also Consider: 16 Gram Co2 Cartridges – 6 Pack
- Stacks With Free Shipping! Adventures in Homebrewing is offering free shipping on most orders of $55 or more with a few exclusions. Add On Items to Consider: PBW | 20% Off Seasonal All Grain Kits | 20% Off Seasonal Extract Kits | Sale Items
Co2 Cornelius Keg Charger (Genuine Innovations)
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