Get a Used Keg?… Replace Keg O-Rings

Replacing Keg O-Rings

When you get a used keg, in my opinion, you’re going to want to replace all the o-rings in your keg.  Generally speaking they are going to be worn out and even if they aren’t they’ll smell of soda pre-mix.  Beyond that, who knows what they’re made from.  Start with a clean slate.  As you saw earlier, the o-rings in this keg were a grubby mismatch of soda drenched o-rings.

Most of these o-rings are pennies each when bought in reasonable bulk quantities. It’s worth the small cost to start fresh with o-rings made from appropriate materials.

This write-up is part of my post on rebuilding kegsJump To This Section – If you look through the post you’ll see just how good the keg looks at the end.

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Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. top:rebuildkeglnksto lnksto:kegrebuild rp:lnksreplacorings

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