IRIS Airtight Storage Container [~55-80 lb+ Grain Capacity]
IRIS airtight storage container
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
- Premium airtight plastic food container features an airtight seal and snap lock latch to keep moisture, humidity and pests out.
- Airtight storage bins are tapered so they’re easy to clean and scoop food from.
- Airtight containers for food hold up to 55 pounds of dry dog food and 50 pounds of dry cat food.
- BPA free rolling dry food storage bin includes casters for easy mobility.
- Dimensions: 18.5 inches Lenght x 13.6 inches Width x 22.9 inches Height
Airtight seal, clear sides so you can see inside and wheels to help you move it around.
According to specs on the manufacture’s website model #NMP-XL has a capacity of 67 quarts. 67 quarts = 16.75 gallons. My rule of thumb for unmilled grain storage is 5 lbs per gallon. At that rate this would hold about 83.75 lbs of grain. 67 quarts should be able to easily hold a full 50 to 55 lb bag of grain. This is a rough estimate. Actual capacity will vary.
What are others saying? Search this container’s Amazon reviews for “malt” – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
IRIS Premium Airtight Pet Food Storage Containers – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
Also: Storage Options – Base Grain, Specialty Grain and DME
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I have to pipe in on these. I’m not a fan. I have a small one of these (not sure the volume) but it isn’t very good. The plastic is thin, and thus the walls can be pushed out of shape and allow for gaps in the gasket. The lid is “snapped” on with a hinge and a latch. This doesn’t appear to be air tight at all times… you need to fiddle with it to get it to look OK, but who knows if it is really air tight.
I think brewers would be better served to get something more substantial.