Hands On Review: Old Ale Ball Lock Kegs from Adventures in Homebrewing & Northern Brewer

aih keg review

Hands on Review AIH’s Brand New Ball Lock Kegs

Adventures in Homebrewing was a homebrew store located in Taylor, Michigan in the Detroit area. They offered a wide variety of homebrew supplies and gear including some really unique things at reasonable prices. They also had great customer service. Toward the end up 2021 AIH was bought out by Northern Brewer. Since Adventures in Homebrewing and Austin Homebrew Supply have joined Midwest Supplies in being vanity storefronts of Northern Brewer.

Adventures in Homebrewing produced a line of brand new ball lock kegs.  These were AIH’s own design. They are also branded “Old Ale Supply Company”.

It seems that Northern Brewer kept very few of Adventures in Homebrewing’s unique offerings, this keg is one that they kept.

Check Current Pricing and Availability, Review Continues Below:

These are Amazon affiliate links. Note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

What the best best kegs out there?

In my opinion, AEB Kegs are the highest quality kegs available. Kegland are just behind AEB

Italian Made AEB Kegs!

Kegland Kegs!


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Adventures in Homebrewing KegAdventures in Homebrewing Keg ReviewA look at the top of the keg.  This is a double handle rubber top and rubber bottom keg.  This designed is generally preferred to single handle strap designs as it’s easier to carry, stackable and the two handles mean the keg can be inverted for draining after cleaning or sanitizing.

Adventures in Homebrewing Keg ReviewStamp on the side of the side of the keg reads… Max WP 130 PSI [900 kpa], Cap 5 US GAL [19].  Guessing WP = working pressure,

Related… Rebuild Your Old Kegs!

AIH New 5 Gallon Corny Keg Ball LockMy keg came from the first batch that was in the process of being NSF certified.  Since then that process has been completed.  This photo (stock image from AIH) shows NSF and ISO 9001 certification stamps.Adventures in Homebrewing Keg ReviewBottom of the kegAdventures in Homebrewing Keg ReviewThere was a little bit of what I would call rubber residue.  Not a lot, but some.  Guessing this will wear or scrub off.  Maybe this is common for brand new kegs, I’ve never owned one before this.Adventures in Homebrewing Ball Lock KegfInside of the keg.  Looks great.Adventures in Homebrewing Ball Lock Keg PartsParts and pieces.  Left side is liquid, right side is gas.  The lid oring is white.  If I had to guess, I’d say it’s a white silicone.  It doesn’t feel like Buna-N.

Source for Old Ale Brand Keg Compatible Dip Tube O-Rings:

Keg Dip Tube O-Rings - Food Safe Silicone

These kegs don’t use standard tube o-rings. Or at least not all Old Ale brand kegs use standard dip tube o-rings.

From Valuebrew:

The vast majority of ball lock kegs use a standard size dip tube o-ring. We’ve found that some Old Ale brand ball lock kegs – sold from Northern Brewer, Adventures in Homebrewing, Midwest Supplies and Austin Homebrew Supply – require a larger size dip tube o-ring. We’re happy to announce we have an option for owners of these kegs!

Note that we’re not 100% sure this applies to every Old Ale brand keg. Our best guess is that the product changed over time so this affects some but not all Old Ale brand kegs. We recommend getting these along with some standard size dip tube o-rings. That way you’ll be covered either way.

How To Adjust Universal Poppets for Proper Fit

Adventures in Homebrewing Ball Lock KegLiquid dip tubeAdventures in Homebrewing Ball Lock KegfClose up on the gas sideAdventures in Homebrewing Ball Lock KegfThe keg uses universal style poppets.Adventures in Homebrewing Ball Lock KegClose up of the lid.

What’s the Difference? Pin Lock vs Ball Lock

Homebrew keg reviewKegging a Pale AleNew Ball Lock Homebrew KegPressurized, sealed up and sprayed down with Star San to check for leaks.  No leaks in sight.

Adventures in Homebrew Ball LockIn my kegerator


I purchased my original keg in of 2015.  I’ve added to my collection since, including a 2.5 gallon version.  These kegs are a good quality, look great and work great.  Their quality rivals my Cornelius-type brand kegs and since these are brand new, you don’t have to worry about leaks or rebuilding.  I’m also glad AIH went to the time and expense to get these NSF certified.

These kegs used to sell for $75 and periodically qualify for free shipping. At that price, these were a great deal. Those days are long gone, so I would say value varies

What the best best kegs out there?

In my opinion, AEB Kegs are the highest quality kegs available. Kegland are just behind AEB

Check Current Pricing and Availability:

These are Amazon affiliate links. Note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Italian Made AEB Kegs!

Kegland Kegs!


More About Small 3 to 1.75 Gallon Sizes

Although these kegs are smaller, they generally sell for more than their 5 gallon counterparts.  That’s especially true in the used keg market.  Smaller kegs are more rare and thus more costly.  In contract AIH typically sells smaller kegs for the same or similar price as their 5 gallon model.

Why Smaller Kegs?  These kegs are great for splitting batches, small batch brewers, doing one-off beers from split from a 5 gallon batch… or for easily serving on the go.  Purge with CO2, fill from your tap and place in ice in a 5 gallon bucket…. whammo!

Should I buy a New Keg or a Used Keg?

Used kegs are generally sourced from soda bottlers.  They are built with commercial use in mind and designed to last for many years of rough duty service.

Brand new ball locks may not be made to the same standards.  However… We also don’t generally put our kegs through the same abuse that a soda distributor would.

Not withstanding price.  I think both options are valid.  If you’re up for a little elbow grease and replacing a few parts, used may be the way to go, if you’re more interested in convenience brand new is a good choice.  Practically, at least as of this posting, I think price will cause many to go the used route.

Rebuild Your Used Kegs

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Everything For Your Kegerator!

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Food Grade Keg O-rings in Bulk!

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Also: Kegerator Tips & Gear | Keg Repair Part #s | Recent Keg Finds

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More Info

Northern Brewer: New 5 Gallon Ball Lock Cornelius (Corny) Beer Keg – Dual Rubber Handle

Midwest Supplies: 5 Gallon Ball Lock Keg

Adventures in Homebrewing:

Austin Homebrew Supply:


Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability.

Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. tag:lnksfxd review:aih5gallonkeg tag:tpr

4 thoughts on “Hands On Review: Old Ale Ball Lock Kegs from Adventures in Homebrewing & Northern Brewer

  1. Adam

    I picked up a few of the 2.5 gallon. They have been really great kegs. They take a bit of cleaning when you get them to clean off all the oil from manufacturing, but nothing terrible. My local shop sells refurb ball lock for $50, so $75 for brand new is a great deal!


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