Hands on Review: Valuebrew Stainless Steel Ball Lock Jumpers – Works with Liquid AND Gas

Updated: February 1, 2025

Hands on Review Stainless Steel Ball Lock Jumpers from Valuebrew

This ball lock jumper features stainless steel construction and food grade silicone post o-rings.  It allows you to connect two keg lines together via ball lock keg QDs. This is handy for at least a few uses, the most popular one probably being cleaning multiple kegerator lines at the same time.

Back in Stock + Limited Time Deal, Review Continues Below:

These had been completely sold out for a good bit. As of this update, they’re back in stock.

Valuebrew is offering a pack of two jumpers and 25 replacement o-rings for $32.97. Coupon code JUMP discounts the combo by a whopping 32%.

Double Jumper Special! < note that you must use this link along with coupon code JUMP to get the deal, the standard product will not get you the discount

Valuebrew’s jumper is unique because of the custom color, food grade o-rings and because … it works with both liquid and ball lock jumpers.

In the package. As of this posting, this comes in singles with the option to add a second on for a reduced cost. Check the product page to see if that’s still available.A look at the jumper. It has a nice heft to it and feels generally well builtA look down the jumper. You’ll notice a stainless steel bar. This jumper doesn’t have traditional poppets. Instead these bars take their place enabling connected ball lock QDs to open when connected. This is actually a really good feature because it means the jumper is open to the air when unused and can be clean, dried and sanitized.

Alternate Uses

Drain Keg Lines

The other thing this design allows you to do is connect just one QD to open up a line to drain. Let’s say you wanted to clear the liquid from a kegerator line. Attach this to let air in, elevate the QD/jumper and open the faucet. No need to remove or disassemble the QD.

Flush Keg Lines and Transfer Tubing with CO2

Place this on a gas QD and attach to another gas QD (gas QD to gas QD) to flush gas lines. Attach to a liquid QD (gas QD to liquid QD) to flush serving lines

Flush Buckets, Compatible Fermenters and Kegs with CO2

Place this on a gas QD to open it up to assist with flushing compatible containers with CO2

Cleaning Two Lines at the Same Time

Here’s the jumper being used to connect two kegerator lines. These are DuoTight/EVABarrier [Hands on Review] lines and also use DuoTight Compatible Locking Clips. If you are a DuoTight user, the locking clips are something I recommend as they provide a more secure connection.Close up, two ball lock liquid lines connected using the jumper.Cleaning multiple lines at the same time using Valuebrew’s Ball Lock Jumper.  See: Building a Simple Ball Lock Draft Line Flushing Setup – for a lot more detail including a video of the action.

Purging Kegerator Lines!

This jumper allows you to connect liquid AND gas lines. That means you can flush lines with CO2 to push out any remaining cleaner or sanitizer and purge O2. Cleaned > Rinsed > Sanitized, Dried  and Purged lines! Make sure to use a low pressure that’s compatible with all components in your system if you do this.

Check Prices, Current Specs & Availability:

Stainless Steel Ball Lock Jumper

Also Mentioned in This Review:

Alternative for Pin Lock Systems

This jumper is for ball lock QDs. I know of no similar fitting for pin lock QDs. An alternative solution would be to use a flare to flare fitting to connect two use MFL lines. You’d remove the QDs and replace with the flare to flare fitting.

Related: What’s the Difference Between Ball Lock Kegs and Pin Lock Kegs?

Related Resources & Gear

Special thanks to Valuebrew for providing the unit used for evaluation in this review.

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Special thanks to Valuebrew for providing the unit used for evaluation in this review.

Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. tag:lnksfxd  tag:vbssjumprev tag:tpr

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