HomebrewCon 2022 Session Spotlight – Water Adjustments w/John Palmer! + A Deal on AHA Membership
HomebrewCon 2022 will be held in Pittsburgh, PA June 23 through 25. Membership in the AHA is required to register and attend. Register early to get a discount.
Join or renew your membership before registering for HomebrewCon
+ Get a Deal on AHA Membership!
As of this posting, Valuebrew has AHA 1 year membership marked down to $42. Your print+digital membership will be delivered electronically. Works with both new memberships and renewals. Since this includes the print edition of Zymurgy, it’s available to US homebrewers only. This is a rare deal in that we don’t see a lot of AHA $ discounts.
American Homebrewer’s Association 1 Yr Print+Digital Membership
Also: American Homebrewer’s Association 1 Yr Digital Membership
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