Homebrewing Spreadsheets – Brewing Spreadsheet, Brew in a Bag, Small Batch & Hard Seltzer
Homebrew recipe and brew day software can be handy. Something like BeerSmith or Brewfather – Free Non-Expiring Brewfather Trial Account – can be invaluable for creating recipes, figuring SRM, figuring IBUs, fitting beers into established styles and lots more. Some are BeerSmith power users and track every recipe and every brew day in this great software.
Sometimes you just want to brew. It’s a recipe that you’ve brewed before, something you’re putting together on the fly, or you just want something quick and easy to tell you temperatures and volumes. Even though I have and use recipe software, I just find it easier to use brew day spreadsheets to track each individual beer. I’ve developed three that I use in different situations.
The formulas in these spreadsheets are tried and true. I’ve used them myself for years. Hundreds, maybe thousands of homebrewers have used them too. I’ve taken feedback and tweaked and corrected things over time.
- My Brewing Spreadsheet – written from the batch sparge perspective, although variable can be modified to work with fly sparging. Figures water volumes, strike water temperatures, projects volumes, helps you correct gravities and more. If you’re batch sparging, your brew day is presented in narrative step by step directions. A one page printed brew day summary is also created from your recipe letting you know what to do at each step and giving you something to write notes on.
- BIAB Brew Day Spreadsheet – similar to my original beer making spreadsheet but tweaked for Brew in a Bag/BIAB style brewing. This spreadsheet has an anytime gravity estimate and correction calculator to help you project and correction gravities. Instead of a one page summary, the entire spreadsheet is setup to print out on a single 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper. You still get narrative step by step directions.
- Small Batch BIAB Spreadsheet – Brew in a Bag, but this time a simplified version for small batch BIAB brewers. This is designed to make homebrewing easy and the post contains a step by step how to for brewing small batch all grain homebrews on your stovetop.
- Easy Hard Seltzer – A calculator to help you easily use hard liquor to make hard seltzer
Need More?
My brew day spreadsheet helps you calculate water volumes and temps and helps you do simple tracking.
If you’re looking for a powerful, full featured solution for building recipes, brew day tracking and loads more, consider Brewfather.
- Hands on Review: Brewfather App – Recipe Formulation, Calculators & Brew Day Tools
- Brewfather offers a free full feature trial. After the trial period, you’ll still have access via a limited, non-expiring account
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