Imperial Yeast Homebrew Strain Guide

Imperial Yeast Homebrew Strain Guide

About Imperial Yeast:

Imperial Yeast was founded in 2014 with a desire to provide brewers of all scales with world class yeast and the best possible customer and technical support.

Imperial Yeast was founded on the ideal that if you are going to do something, do it right. Through our many years experience in liquid yeast and craft brewing we understood that home and pro brewers alike needed access to better yeast, service, and support. We are continuously working to improve our processes, service, and products. Our staff has decades invested in liquid yeast and professional brewing, alongside countless afternoons and evenings spent homebrewing. We are here to provide you with the best yeast, best customer service, and best technical support available.

We are a motley crew of Sci-Fi geeks, cyclists, D&D nerds, gardeners and rock obsessed weirdos united by our passion for the craft beer industry. If you’d like to come see what we’re doing and meet real life yeast farmers, please drop by; we’re proud of what we do and love to show it off.

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Strain Guide!

Imperial Yeast Strain Guide

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Imperial Yeast Strains!

A01 House

  • Ales
  • Extremely versatile English ale strain, allowing both malt and hops to shine.

A04 Barbarian

  • Ales
  • Excellent yeast strain for any hop forward beers. Wonderfully suited for juicy, hazy New England IPAs.

A07 Flagship

  • Ales
  • Commonly referred to as “chico” this yeast is a craft brewing standard, loved for its extremely clean character.

A09 Pub

  • Ales
  • Beloved and highly flocculent British ale strain. Well suited for a variety of beer styles.

A10 Darkness

  • Ales
  • Brewers love this yeast strain for dark beers. Its high alcohol tolerance makes it a go-to for big beers.

A15 Independence

  • Ales
  • American ale yeast strain, slightly ester forward and loves to play with hops.

A20 Citrus

  • Ales
  • “Wild” saccharomyces yeast strain known to produce a huge citrus fruit ester profile.

A24 Dry Hop

  • Ales
  • A blend of two highly popular yeast strains, well suited for hop forward beers.

A31 Tartan

  • Ales
  • Traditional Scottish brewers yeast strain, well suited for malt forward beers.


  • Ales
  • Single isolate kveik known to produce huge tropical ester profile

A38 Juice

  • Ales
  • The go-to for juicy, hazy, NE IPAs. Hardly a one-trick pony, it can also be a great choice as a house ale strain.

A40 GF Bubbles

  • Seasonal
  • A traditional cider strain, Bubbles is a beautiful strain for fruit juice based fermentations.

A44 Kveiking

  • Ales
  • Blend of 3 kveik strains conquers wort, leaving tropical fruit flavors in its wake.

B44 Whiteout

  • Belgian
  • The go-to brewing yeast strain for wit beers.

B48 Triple Double

  • Belgian
  • Classic high gravity Belgian strain for Trappist-style ales.

B64 Napoleon

  • Belgian
  • Classic strain to produce French Saison where a balance of fruit esters and spicy phenols are necessary.

G01 Stefon

  • German
  • Brewers love this traditional hefeweizen strain for any of their weizen beer needs!

G02 Kaiser

  • German
  • Traditional Alt yeast strain however, this German ale strain can do just about anything.

G03 Dieter

  • German
  • Traditional Kölsch yeast strain, fairly flocculent and versatile.

I22 Capri

  • Imperialis
  • Capri’s juicy ester aromatics, tropical flavors, and bright citrus notes emphasize the desirable qualities from the two popular parent strains: A38 Juice & A43 Loki.

L05 Cablecar

  • Lagers
  • The classic strain for California Common style beers.

L09 Que Bueno

  • Lagers
  • Perfect strain to ferment your Mexican lager, Vienna lager, Maibock, and many more.

L13 Global

  • Lagers
  • Wildly popular lager strain, produces a classic lager profile.

L17 Harvest

  • Lagers
  • Brewers love this lager yeast strain for its versatility; it will impress you with its ability to ferment pretty much any lager style you throw at it.

L26 Pilgrimage

  • Lagers
  • Wonderful choice for a house lager strain. Produces a clean fermentation and accentuates malt profile to create balanced and nuanced lagers.

L28 Urkel

  • Lagers
  • Did I ferment that? Excellent choice for your Czech lager fermentations.

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