In Praise of Beer by Charles W. Bamforth
In Praise of Beer by Charles W. Bamforth
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In Praise of Beer is a helpful guide for beer lovers looking to learn more about what they should look for with each sip of beer. In his latest book, Charles Bamforth brings new light to the topic of beer in ways perfect for any beer fan, lover, or connoisseur. In Praise of Beer is a helpful guide for consumers who want to better understand about the beer they drink. This book answers popular questions from consumers, including what consumers should be expecting from their beer; what styles are available; what they should be thinking about when purchasing beer, either in a bar or a beer shop; how to look after beer; how to present beer; which beer for which occasion, including dining; and if they can drink beer (in moderation) with a clear conscience. In Praise of Beer is written in an authoritative but easy-to-read style and is full of anecdotes, inside knowledge and valuable information.
In Praise of Beer
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