Lalbrew Lona Yeast for Homebrewers? for brewing low alcohol beers
LalBrew® LoNa™ is the first maltose-negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain specifically developed using hybridization for brewing clean low-alcohol and non-alcohol beers (reduced worty flavors, POF-negative and H2S-negative). Advanced classical and non-GMO breeding methods were used to select a strain that does not consume maltose or maltotriose, resulting in very low attenuation. As a S. cerevisiae strain, LalBrew® LoNa™ performs like an ale yeast producing a clean and neutral aroma profile with no phenolic flavors, and significantly reducing aldehydes that cause worty flavors. Additionally, the patented technology from the University of California Davis (USA) ensures that the strain will not produce sulfurous off-flavors, allowing the malt and hop flavors to shine through.
Pasteurization is required when brewing with LalBrew® LoNa™ to avoid refermentation after packaging and ensure beer stability.
Keep reading for more about Lona
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Lalbrew Lona for Homebrewers??
Lallemand has not made Lona readily available to homebrewers via homebrew size packaging. As an example the 10 kg offering is A. massive and B. selling for over $3,500 as of this posting.
It’s my belief that they will not make a homebrew pitch size available to homebrewers because of the requirement to pasteurize the finished beer. This is difficult to do on the homebrew level and skipping this step could pose a health and safety concern.
MoreBeer does offer a much smaller 500 g package. That’s a lot more doable for most homebrewers and may be something you could go in with a group. Current pricing on that is actually pretty reasonable per batch if you figure 10 grams per 5 gallon batch. That will be 50 batches of yeast.
Lallemand | LalBrew® LoNa™ Low Alcohol Hybrid Ale Yeast | Dry Beer Yeast | 500 g DY66B
Limited Time DEAL
- For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting all Lallemand yeasts by a whopping 25%
- No coupon code is required, discount reflected on each product page while the deal lasts.
- Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
- Some filler item ideas to help you qualify for free shipping… PBW, Sale Items (shows most popular deals first), Kit of the Week, Wine Kit of the Week, Hop Market (shows most popular deals first)
Lallemand Yeast Sale at MoreBeer!
LoNa is include in the mix and marked down a whopping 25%. That’s a savings of $55. That makes the 500 gram package $164.99 or about $3.30 per batch if you use 10 grams.
Lallemand | LalBrew® LoNa™ Low Alcohol Hybrid Ale Yeast | Dry Beer Yeast | 500 g DY66B
More About Lona
- Revolutionize Low Alcohol Beer from Lallemand
- Lallemand | LalBrew® LoNa™ Low Alcohol Hybrid Ale Yeast | Dry Beer Yeast | 500 g DY66B
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