Ends Soon: Cream Ale Recipe by Erik Beer! All & Extract – from… $23.99 w/Coupon, Limited Time Deal
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- Cream Ale by Erik Beer Kits at MoreBeer
- Cream Ale by Erik Beer | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | All-Grain
- Cream Ale by Erik Beer | 5 Gallon Beer Recipe Kit | Extract
Erik Beer was the president of the local homebrew club, DOZE, for a number of years. During that time, he created and perfected recipes for a number of different brews, this easy-drinking Cream Ale being one of them. Featuring a blend of Pale and Pilsener Malt with some Flaked Maize thrown in to lighten things up, this beer is sure to be a hit with everyone you share it with. (If you share it at all!). Hopping is light on this one, but definitely enough to balance things and make this brew go down smooth.
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