Maple and Smoked Bacon Candi Syrup – $7.99, Limited Availability
Maple & Smoked Bacon Candi Syrup – 1 lb. via MoreBeer
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
Real smoked bacon and maple syrup cooked in small batches of Artisanal Belgian Style Candi Syrup. Just stop reading for a second and let your brain catch up. Yes your mouth probably did start to water and you just realized you are in fact a little hungry right now.
MoreBeer! does not mess around. When we connected with Cascade Candi Syrup over a year ago to co-develop our dream product, we instantly passed over the idea of bacon flavor. First of all, that would be gross and second we knew this syrup had a second calling at the breakfast table come Saturday morning. Six product generations later we now know that not only will you delight your friends with wild beer creations that we cannot even fathom, you will want this authentic bacon syrup right on your waffles.
We did not design it to overwhelm your beers with bacon, maple or smoke, rather it will add layers of complexity that will be appropriate in many different styles. Should you put this in your next Porter, Brown Ale, Stout or Barleywine? Yes. Should you try this on waffles, pancakes, in a stir fry, on ice-cream, or directly by the heaping spoonful into your salivating mouth? Absolutely.
Limited Availability Deal of the Day: As of this posting, this is marked down to $7.99 as a MoreBeer Deal of the Day. Shipping is also free to addresses in the contiguous US with most $59 Orders. Availability: This is available today only, while supplies last. Quantities are limited. Check the MoreBeer’s Deal of the Day to check today’s offering.
Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.
Maple & Smoked Bacon Candi Syrup – 1 lb. AJ62
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