Meet Me in Munich: A Beer Lover’s Guide to Oktoberfest Kindle Edition

Meet Me in Munich: A Beer Lover's Guide to Oktoberfest Kindle Edition

Meet Me in Munich: A Beer Lover’s Guide to Oktoberfest Kindle Edition

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Munich’s Oktoberfest, held each year since 1810 from late September through the first weekend in October, is one of the most famous events in Germany. It is a beer drinker’s paradise—over the course of sixteen days, more than six million visitors consume nearly two million gallons of specially brewed Oktoberfest beer. For the first-time visitor to the Wies’n (a meadow near Munich’s center dedicated to the festival), Oktoberfest can be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, Moses Wolff hasn’t missed a day of Oktoberfest in years, and he knows the festival like the back of his hand.


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