MoreBeer’s Citra Pale Ale Kit – $34.99 + Free Ship Eligible
Citra Pale Ale Kit via MoreBeer
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
(Makes 5 Gallons) If you’re looking for a great session pale ale this is your beer. Featuring the incredibly famous Citra Hops, we’ve packed this recipe with a hop bomb of floral aromas and subtle grapefruit flavors.
This kit features 8 lbs of Malt Extract, Crystal 15, White Wheat, maltodextrin for added body, and of course plenty of Citra hops for the ultimate in drinking pleasure. Get your Citra on!
Estimated OG: 1.050-1.055
SRM: 5-7
Estimated IBU’s: 45-48
Estimated alcohol ABV%: 5-5.5%
Limited Availability Deal of the Day: As of this posting, this on sale as as a MoreBeer Deal of the Day. Shipping is also free to addresses in the contiguous US with most $59 Orders. Availability: This is available today only, while supplies last. Quantities are limited. Check the MoreBeer’s Deal of the Day to check today’s offering.
Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.
Citra Pale Ale – Extract Beer Kit KIT251
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