My Favorite Size of Star San & Why

Star San Acid Sanitizer, 8 oz No Rinse Food Grade Homebrew Beer Wine Moonshine

Star San is my sanitizer of choice.  It is effective, food safe and no-rinse.  It is also very cost effective if you use the spray bottle method.

My Favorite Size and Why

Considering the shelf life of Star San concentrate is 1 to 2 years, If you’re using the Spray Bottle Method (See: Tip: Star San Tips, Tricks and Guidelines – Using Star San In a Spray Bottle), I generally recommend purchasing the 8 ounce size.

8 ounces of concentrate yields about 39 gallons of mixed solution.  The spray bottle method is very efficient, so you don’t end up using much sanitizer per batch.

8 oz = ~ 157 Batches

Let’s say you use 1/4 gallon (which I personally think is high) for each batch, the 8 ounces size yields enough mixed solution for around 157 batches.  That figures to about 13 batches per month over a 1 year period.  If you use 1/8 gallon (which I think is more realistic) that equates to about 26 batches per month over a 1 year period.

More Per Ounce, But Less Costly Overall

The larger 16 and 32 ounces sizes may be a lower cost per ounce, but if you’re unable to use it within Star San’s shelf life, you’ll just be throwing sanitizer away or using less effective past date sanitizer.  Getting a smaller bottle more often means your Star San is fresher.

The 8 ounce size of Star San is becoming more difficult to find. In that case 16 oz makes the most sense to me.


Star San Tips & Tricks

Recommendation: Do Not Soak


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Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions.

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