Recipe for Northern Brewer Cosmic Trident Hazy Pale Ale

northern brewer cosmic trident

About Northern Brewer Cosmic Trident:

Cosmic Trident is a three-pronged approach to a delicious beer. Moderate bitterness from timeless Cascade is bolstered with copious additions of Trident™ hops. Meticulously paired with a revolutionary Omega Yeast strain, the amplification of aromatic and flavorful thiols creates a sipping experience that would excite Poseidon himself. The result is an incredibly fruit-forward ale ranging from bright tart citrus to a kaleidoscope of tropical fruit flavors and aromas. The malt foundation of classic American 2-row creates a perfect temple for the hops and yeast to yield a flavor monster that only Odysseus could defeat.

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All Grain Recipe:

O.G: 1.050, ABV 5.2, IBU 32,  READY: 6 WEEKS

Suggested fermentation schedule:

  • 2 weeks primary
  • 2 weeks secondary,
  • 2 weeks bottle conditioning



  • Sacch’ Rest: 152° F for 60 minutes
  • Mashout: 170° F for 10 minutes


1 oz Cascade 30 min
1 oz Trident Whirlpool #1 (for 10 minutes added at conclusion of boil)
2 oz Trident Whirlpool #2 (for 15 minutes added at 10 minutes post boil)
1 oz Trident Dry Hop #1 (added within 48 hours of fermentation commencing)
1 oz Trident Dry Hop #2 (added 1 week after fermentation has started for 2 weeks)


Omega Yeast OYL-402 Cosmic Punch
Optimum temp: 64°- 75°F

— 5 oz Priming Sugar (save for Bottling Day)

PDF Instructions: All GrainExtract



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