Northern Brewer’s Dead Ringer IPA Kit

Dead Ringer IPA is Northern Brewer’s Top Selling Recipe.  This recipe is based on a beer from Bell’s Brewery that rhymes with Two Hearted Ale :).  It features Centennial from beginning to end.  In all three versions – extract, 1 gallon extract and all grain – are available.  I count a total of 245 reviews across all versions.  Those reviews are either all five star or so close that they average out to five star.

Check sale or product page for current availability & pricing


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Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. tag:nbgen –

5 thoughts on “Northern Brewer’s Dead Ringer IPA Kit

  1. Anonymous

    “Tip: Save money by taking advantage of flat rate shipping. All recipe kits and many other items ship for free under Northern Brewer’s Flat Rate Shipping.”

    Not free. $7.99, right?

    1. Chris Brewer

      Yeah, you’re right… thanks for pointing that out. What I was getting at was, additional items ship for free in that there is no additional cost. But, that was confusing. Hopefully the edit makes it more clear.

    2. Anonymous

      Thanks. That’s what I thought, but wondered if you knew something I didn’t 🙂 Decent deal if you’re buying a bunch of stuff at once. I need to get my own grain mill so I can stock up when things are on sale.


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