Save on NEW Pin Lock Kegs!

new pin lock kegsThe availability of of used kegs has recently become an issue. See: Are Used Kegs Running Out?

This has been especially true of pin lock kegs, because new pin locks have not been coming on the market. To my knowledge no new pin lock offering was generally available to homebrewers. This has caused the price and availability of pin locks to be a serious issue. For example, MoreBeer’s Pin Lock offering has sky-rocketed to $85 per keg.

Well, today is a happy day… Announcing NEW Pin Lock Kegs from

One thing to consider is that these are basically ball lock keg dimensions, so if you need a shorter keg, used would be the way to go.

2 and 4 Keg Deal!

For a short time coupon code HBFPACK takes 10% off all 2 and for pack keg options at Combine this with already great prices and this is the best keg deal going right now!

kegs at – remember promo code HBFPACK to save on all 2 and 4 packs

This applies to 2 and 4 count new pin lock offerings!

Complete Lineup: All Kegs at | All Sale Items


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Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. tag:watchan Announcing: NEW Pin Lock Kegs! 4.11.23

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