Roasted: A Homebrewer’s Guide to Home Roasting Grain [Kindle Edition]
Roasted by Jason Johnson
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About, from title description: “Roasted: A Homebrewer’s Guide to Home Roasting malts is a short Ebook that covers the topic of home roasting grains. The book jumps right in and tackles information on why a person would want to roast their own grains at home. The book provides information on various malts, how to read a malt analysis sheet, home roasting techniques and guidelines, how to make crystal malt, and how to smoke malt at home. The author has been roasting grains for homebrew for several years and written a few articles on the topic. While this book does not go into any brewing details, it is a helpful guide to bringing another homebrewed aspect to your homebrew.”
Kindle Edition books can be viewed on your Kindle Device or on free reader applications available for your iPhone, Android or Windows smart phone – and for your web browser via Amazon’s Cloud Reader.
kindleRoasted: A Homebrewer’s Guide to Home Roasting Grain [Kindle Edition]
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