Save on Kegland Stuff!
Kegland is making some great stuff! Really well thought out, innovative and generally well-priced gear.
- MoreBeer is discounting loads of items as part of a clearance sale… ALL Sale and Clearance – Sort by: Most Popular | Best Rated
- Get Free Shipping: Shipping is free with a qualifying $59 order to many US addresses
- Easy Filler Item…. If you’re looking for a filler item to help you qualify for free shipping, consider grabbing some PBW
Lots of Kegland gear is included in the mix
Kegland at MoreBeer – sorts to show sale items first
Kegland Gear Reviews!
*Note that these items aren’t necessarily included in this promotion.
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morebeerPrice, promotions and availability can change quickly. Check the product page for current price, description and availability rp:b3kegland