Soulless Hop Pale [Zombie Dust Clone] – $33.99, Save $7
from MoreBeer… “Run! The walking dead hops are here! The only thing different between this and real zombies though, is that you’ll be running towards this beer, rather than running away! Malty with a huge Citra hop presence, this is our clone of the nationally known and loved Zombie Dust Pale Ale by 3 Floyds Brewing Co!“
Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.
Availability: This is a More Beer Deal of the Day. Quantities are limited. Check the Deal of the Day section – Here – to see if this is still available.
Soulless Hop Pale Ale – Extract Beer Kit KIT264 – $40.99 $33.99 + Free Shipping with a $59 order
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