ThermoWorks RT304 Digital Thermometer – $16.15!
Water-Resistant Min/Max Thermometer (RT304) from Thermoworks
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
This popular water-resistant thermometer stands up to wet hands and messy environments. Great for general purpose temperature measurements anywhere. The Min/Max feature will hold highs and lows. It stays on until you turn it off for long term monitoring. Fits easily in a shirt pocket. Very affordable, too. Many in the food industry buy them in quantity – only $75 for 5! Compare our price to others.
IP 65 Water-Resistant
On/Off Switch
Max/Min records high and low temperatures.
°C/°F Switchable
-58°F to 392°F Range
Includes Pocket Clip
Remains on until turned off
IP65 Water Resistant, Min/Max feature – handy for measuring long term temps of your kegerator or fermentations chamber.
If you’re looking for an affordable thermometer from Thermoworks… Here you go!
- This is selling for just $19
- ThermoWorks has discounted everything they carry site-wide by 15%. A coupon code is automatically added to your cart at checkout.
- That makes this thermometer just $16.15. This is a great deal for a ThermoWorks brand thermometer.
Water-Resistant Min/Max Thermometer (RT304)
Price, promotions and availability can change quickly. Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time this post was published; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit the product page. Check the product page for current price, description and availability
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