TILT Bluetooth Hydrometer – you pick the color – $135 + Free Shipping & Free Spare Battery + Hands on Review
V3 TILT™ Bluetooth Hydrometer & Thermometer FREE Spare Battery Pick Color
More InfoFrom the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:
FREE spare battery with every TILT you buy!!! And FREE SHIPPING.
If you want a specific color and it shows out of stock, email me and I can get it for you.
We are shipping the new and most updated version with the single cap.
Designed for home brewing, the Tilt is a wireless hydrometer that lets you instantly read your brew’s specific gravity and temperature on your compatible Apple iPhone/iPad or Android smartphone/tablet or Tilt Pi. Most Bluetooth 4.0+ devices will work with the Tilt. You can then optionally save the data automatically to the cloud using our free Google Sheets template or other 3rd party cloud platforms. See our Apps section for more detail.
Our goal is to help homebrewers brew better beer.
The Tilt hydrometer allows you to check the specific gravity and temperature of your beer while it’s fermenting, without ever having to open your fermenter or pour out any of your precious brew. This makes brewing more consistent and easy to track.
Here are some of the new features of the Tilt:
Range: Better reception and range. With the increased transmission power your Tilt will send data through larger, thicker-walled fermenters.
Precision: Upgraded sensors. With an improved temperature sensor and accelerometer your Tilt will operate with more precision.
Efficiency: We’ve reduced power consumption so more brews, less battery.
New Look: Newly designed custom circuit board and harness.
If using multiple Tilt Hydrometers for different batches of fermenting beer you must use a different color for each batch. The app will not read multiple hydrometers of the same color.
Each Tilt comes calibrated and ready to go with a pre-installed battery. Just download the free app, sanitize your Tilt, drop in your fermenter, and start taking readings with your phone, tablet, or Tilt Pi.
The specific gravity is accurate +/- 0.002 within the Tilt’s range of 0.990 to 1.120. The thermometer is accurate +/- 1 degree F (+/- 0.5 degree C).
Download the free Tilt app at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- As if this posting, this is eBay offering is selling for $135. Shipping is also free to select addresses.
- A free spare battery is also included.
- Works with Brewfather App! Sign up for a free trial! – check out our Hands on Review
- Learn More! Hands on Review: Tilt Bluetooth Fermentation Hydrometer!
V3 TILT™ Bluetooth Hydrometer & Thermometer FREE Spare Battery Pick Color
Prices, shipping and availability can change quickly. Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time this post was published; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit the product page. Check the product page for current price, description and availability.
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