Weldless, Stainless Thermometer – $27.95
Weldless Thermometer from MoreBeer. From the product description: “As an addition to a brew pot or keg, this thermometer is an obvious upgrade! You will enjoy being able to monitor temperature on a large, easy-to-read face. Gone are the days of opening kettle lids to check wort or mash temperatures! With the new Fermentap Weldless Thermometer, you can upgrade any existing kettle or keg to read temperature from the outside!
The Fermentap Weldless Thermometer has a 6 inch probe, making it ideal for use in your mash tun. The 6 inch stem is positioned more towards the middle of the mash, giving the thermometer probe more exposure resulting in a more accurate reading. This Weldless Thermometer will work in Kettles & Kegs! The thermometer is our Fermentap Dial Thermometer, and features a hermetically sealed face, all stainless construction, and a fast response to temperature change!”
Product Description – Here. Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.
Stainless – Weldless Thermometer (6 in.) WL311 – $34.99 $27.95 + Free Shipping with $59 Order
Availability: This is a More Beer Deal of the Day. Quantities are limited. Check the Deal of the Day section – Here – to see if this is still available.
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