Zymurgy’s Best Beers in America – 2020 Results! + Clone Recipe Options
The American Homebrewers Association (See: Why you should be a member of the AHA! | AHA Membership Deals) has announced the results of their annual poll of Zymurgy Magazine readers to determine the Best Beers in America.
Related: Save on AHA Membership!
Top 10 Beers [Along with some clone options]…
1. Bell’s Two Hearted Ale* – Two Hearted Homebrew Clone
2. Russian River Pliny the Elder* – Pliny Homebrew Clone – direct from the brewer collaboration, See: Brewing Pliny
3. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale* – Sierra Nevada Pale Ale SNPA Homebrew Clone
4. The Alchemist Heady Topper* – Heady Topper Homebrew Clone – Finding The Conan Strain
5. Bell’s Hopslam* – Hopslam Homebrew Clone
6. Three Floyds Zombie Dust* – Zombie Dust Homebrew Clone
T7. Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale * – Tank 7 Homebrew Clone
T7. Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout – KBS Homebrew Clone
9. Deschutes Fresh Squeezed IPA* – Fresh Squeezed Homebrew Clone
10. North Coast Old Rasputin* – Old Rasputin Homebrew Clone
All breweries marked with an asterisk (*) are small and independent craft brewers. The independent craft brewer seal is a helpful tool for you to easily identify and support #IndependentBeer. Learn more about small and independent craft breweries
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